Way to give great details . More like it was moving at an average speed and then took off at a blistering speed. Gone in the blink of an eye. Also it was less red ball and more like a ball of fire. Interesting to say the least. Oh and if it wasn't obvious i'm the friend metioned in the topic.
every friday night latly there is a story about red balls in the sky on this forum......something's up
lol dude she's like 14, and my best friends sister. and BTW nice avatar I just saw watched that movie like 3 weeks ago, it was funny as hell.
[quote name='"Deer Dance"'] lol dude she's like 14, and my best friends sister. and BTW nice avatar I just saw watched that movie like 3 weeks ago, it was funny as hell.[/quote] dude i dontgive a f***
I'm thinking helicopter....some sort of satellite..some military spy something...(I was stationed at Beale AFB,CA...Recon/Intel wing...Lots of cool spy gadgets in their possession) At any rate..I am not a big believer in UFO's...Well, not a believer at all...But I did watch a really cool Dateline the other night about all the crazy stuff that goes down in NM! Wow....Now that is the place for an "Alien Fanatic" to go.