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So, my dealer said "i dont do that shit anymore" when i asked him for some MJ.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Valient, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. Basically, i am FUCKED. i need some help finding a new dealer(been with this guy since like sophmore). any tips?
  2. hmmm just find stoners around your same age, chill with them awhile and they will hook you up with a new contact. Thats what I did when I went to college and had to find some campus dealers.
  3. You live in California...walk outside? haha j/k man, that sucks. Try looking for stereotypical stoners at typical stoner hangouts. You just can't be shy. But then again, don't be TOO open about it either.
  4. Ask him if he can hook you up with another guy who can do business with you from now on. It's common etiquette for a dealer to pass on his customers to somebody else in the event that he stops dealing. If not, ask other friends who smoke if they can introduce you to somebody or become a middleman(Sucks, but it's better than NO weed!).
  5. for real, if your in Cali you should have no problem.
  6. ^That's pretty sketchy, I wouldn't even suggest WeBeHigh to someone I don't like. I've known people who got robbed trying to find a connect through WeBeHigh or CraigsList. You're much better off trying to find someone on your own. Finding somebody who can get you weed isn't that hard as long as you keep your eyes and ears open and socialize, especially at a California college.
  7. seriously its not THAT hard, just got hit up a local skatepark, theres bound to be some tokers there haha just look for em at my skateparks everyone just smokes bowls on the benches.

  8. dude, i know. and its crazy how many skateparks are near here(Santa Rosa).damn. thanks man, and thanks to everybody!
  9. damn that pretty much sucks. dispensaries are always a good place to be if you know what I mean haha.
  10. Haha shit your from Santa rosa? Trust me man there's plenty of bud around. Do you go to the jc? It shouldn't be that hard to find a connect, best of luck.
  11. Nah man, im Highschool. SRH.

  12. Honestly? Piece of advice RIGHT here. Norcal is like, swimming.
  13. Haha shit, class of 2010 right here. (Don't worry, I'm 18).

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