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So my dad walks in and asks if I'm okay

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Tripple A, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. I sitting in my room stoned as fuck listening to music really loud (like usual) and my dad walks in and scares the shit out of me. Before I even have the chance to make eye contact, he asks if I'm okay lol. I didn't even turn around in my chair to look at him and he says "are you okay?" I'm like "YEAH" in a really surprised tone of voice lol.

    Idk it was just weird. there is no way for him to know I'm stoned (he wouldn't care). So now I'm just pondering why the hell he said that. Usually he just says hi :confused:
  2. Does he usually walk in the room to say hi? Do you usually listen to music really loud?

    Anyway, pondering little shit like this is pointless. Though, I'm guilty of it myself.

  3. Because he doesn't know how to break the bad news to you, you have super AIDs.
  4. lol yeah I'm terrible at over-analyzing things.

    But yeah he always just opens my door and says hi. And I always listen to dubstep really loud with my subwoofer on max.
  5. something could be up. i know id be worried.
  6. The jig is up. Better start heading for mexico
  7. Dad's are the shit. Don't respond with YEAH. Say "Yes Dad everything cool, why do you ask what's up? Do you need to talk to me about something?"
  8. he asking if everything okay because he stole half your weed and he wanted to see if you noticed <:hello: maybe. one time i was sitting in my room listening to music really loud too and my mom bangs on my door so fkn loud scared the shit out of me and comes in and yells WHAT!!! i nearly shit my pants lol.

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