Yeah so ive been caught smoking a ton of times by my parents and it's not like they dont know that i do, they just never say anything as long as i keep it on the downlow, but when i do get caught with stuff red handed--they get pissed. Well yesterday i came home, i wasnt really high anymore and the second i walk in my mom starts badgering me if i'm high. Turns out that the big 500 pound rasta lady they pay to clean our house every 2 weeks found my clean urine i used to use for drug tests and went and gave it to my mom. I didn't look or smell high when i came home, it was just cuz my house cleaning lady fucked me over. Long story short they dug out the old tests and i failed one, and i wasn't really sure what to say. Im a senior in highschool and i told them my grades are good, im just trying to have a good time in highschool with my friends while im still here because next year im planning on going to college. (i have about a 3.0 gpa so i mean i can get into a bunch of colleges in VA, already talked to a few of them.) they were like "yeah well if you keep smoking pot you're not going to even get into college" Whatever, i just close my door and try to read to take my mind off things because i was pretty pissed. I mean here i am, fucking getting good grades and i dont let weed get in the way of my schoolwork. I do my homework before i smoke everyday and i dont drive stoned so i think im pretty responsible and here's both my aprents yelling at me for yet another time about smoking weed. Oh, and yeah they also said their gonna try and send me to military school for the alst half of my seniior year, but idc theyve been saying that since 9th grade. Im a senior in highschool so guess what, my car's still in their name. So ive lost my license, im typing this from school right now actually. Im in dual enrollment at the local CC so thats how im on here. But seriously,think back to highschool guys. My parents are driving me to and from school because they dont trust me with even riding the bus. And then my dad, he's defenitly the cool parent, comes in and talks to me about how their not mad im smoking pot, that their just mad because im so blatantly disregaurding their rules and lying to them, would they rather me just tell the straight up? "Hey how was your day?" "Good, smoked mad Ls at my boys" "Oh cool sweetie, theres some dinner in the microwave" Hell naw it wouldnt play out like that so wtf are they talking about. But then my dad goes into a story about how he knows pot isnt bad, he still has friends who smoke pot daily and i know he used to, and he used to eat mush too. He tells me then to come up with a plan for how to earn my license and car back. Well, i have my license since i told them legally they cant take that shit, but they still got my car. (Oh and theres about a half oz in there they dont know about hidden lol) So tonight i have to tell them my "plan" to get my license back. But what really confused the fuck out of me, and partially why im posting this is to ask a question of what he said next meant. He said that no parent really just lets their kid get high, and asked me if my friends parents knew about them gettin high. I told him some of them know and just tell them to not let the parents see it, and others dont care at all or smoke aswell. He said that i couldnt even do the basics of what they asked me last time which was supposedly just to never bring it in the house, and we wouldnt have a problem. He said "Yeah i mean theres no way we can stop you from goin out and gettin high with your friends, but we just dont want this shit brought into our house when you're done, and you couldn't even do that for us." Which im not gonna lie kinda made me feel bad, so im trying to think of a way to 1) Get my car back with their approval. I was going to tell them ill devote an hour to my studies daily, any more suggestions and im open to it. 2) well my dad said that he didnt really care about me smoking outside of the house, so im really just trying to get back to normal, which really usually happens after a week but im judy wondering if anyone has any other experiences like this and wants to share what they did. Thanks gc, had to rant. insight? EDIT: oh yeah my mom told me also that if i dont like their rules and i want to get out then theyll give me the weekend to make other living arrangements but i mean i can't afford to live on my own right now, and im not trying to impose on another friends house for 6 months ya know? and they wouldnt pay for my college anymore and i mean, shit i can get loans and all and do that but im not sure if its better to just stick this out or say fuck it and get on with my life... i really dont fucking know, although that was probably just her anger talking. She has also been saying that since 9th grade haha
wow next time she comes over, mess the house up. she will have something else to do then collect your pee
If your 18 and im sure you are then that lady should be fired. WTF was she touching your personal stuff for? I whould demand that bitch stays out of your room while your still living there or move out. Here you are a pretty smart kid has his head on his shoulders. smoking a little ganja to feel good not bothering anyone and bam the 500pound rasta lady has to ruin everything.
i would break the window out of the car and tell them that if there goin to treat u like your doin herion or something then your going to act like it cuz if your a senior and you have good grades and there treating u like a kid i would say fuck this i no people who drooped out in middle school and u have good grades and the wont let u have a little herb thats gay
yeah ik man, but im not gonna wile out, it will just prove their point in their eye even more. they say i need help because im willing to risk so much to smoke, when the only thing im risking is their view of me changing because they wont listen.. idk the whole situations fucked
Other than getting caught in the first place, it seems like you have told your parents all the right things. I guess from now on just don't bring anything into your house or do a better job hiding it. You only have to get through another 7 months before you go to college. Just waiting it out is probably the best way to help it at this point besides continuing to get good grades. As time goes on, your parents will sort of let it go if you don't get caught again as they don't seem to be all that mad now, especially your dad. Also, get a bag full of dirt and just dump it in your room before the cleaning lady comes again. That will teach her not to screw with you
Duuuude, that sucks! Fuck the cleaning lady man.. I say you mess up your room big time to get back at her. As for college, you'll be golden. I'm a senior too with a GPA around yours (3.2) and finding college here was easy as hell, and it's not like I'm going to a shit university either. Just be honest with your 'rents. That's what they want in the end. Sure, they don't want you smoking weed but they want your honesty too... that's how it is in my home. (Maybe it could be different in my case since I live with only one parent.) Annnnnd... hide your shit better. Get a safe or something? I dunno. Just hide your shit, give them honesty and respect, and if they don't want you bringing that stuff in the house again, then don't and wait 'til you're out of there. College is only 5 or so months away.
The bottom line is it's their house, as a Dad I can understand where they are coming from. I accept the fact that my son will eventually try smoking, and I don't have a problem with that. I rather he bake in the privacy of our home, so he doesn't get busted and fuck up his record, like I did. If the little fucker starts BS me than I will have major problems. My parents were assholes when I lived at home, I split when i was 17. 6 months after I left, the started accepting it. The best thing to do is just tell the honestly, you wont fuck around in their home. If there going to pay for college, DON"T FUCK UP, loans suck and you must pay them back.
^just expect some bs man. first reaction is to try to hide it. and most of the time, the parent didnt smoke so they wouldnt kno, but i remember the shit i dad HAD to know waaaay before i thought i knew he knew. bc he smokes and would be able to tell. just sayin. not a good idea to straight up ask. unless u throw a disclaimer in and not much consequence will result, regardless of the answer u receive.
So today on the ride home from school (of course i cant even be trusted to ride the motehrfucking bus on my own, right?) my dad tells me how unless i prove to him somehow in the next 7 months that my life doesnt revolve around weed and friends then they're not paying for college. He said i need to study more, and i pulled out two tests i got back today, both A's, and he said "yeah well think of what you could be getting if you actually tried" Hmm funny thing their FUCKING A+'s?!?!? god they just seem to like set up these arguements in their head because their trying to strike me low, and i can see the arguments never work the way they itnend because all their shit doesnt really affect me. i know what im doing and where im going. Im already getting fucking certified in microsoft network administration this year, and with that certification ALONE i can get 40k+ a year, and im getting another next year. So i told him it doesnt really matter what they pay for or not, and if they decide to be shitty hypocritical parents and not pay or send me to college, thats their bad. And i probably wont see them more than once a year if that after. (its hypocritical, because my dad said im not ready for it when i know i am. He said he almost failed his first semester and thought he was ready so "obviously im not either". and my mom dropped out her senior year of college to come home and be with her COCAINE DEALING POT HEAD BOYFRIEND. Yeah, fuck this shit. EDIT: oh yeah, and fuck my maid. im going to smear diarrhea into every carpet of the house before she comes back, look at her, smile, and say have at it bitch.
Does anyone have any success stories on showing their parents the union? I cant even remember if the movie is that convinving tbh, i just remember the sickass underground grow op.
Show them the video, and get some of granny storm crows info. Tell them they are ignorant when it comes to the herb, but they can remove that ignorance if they just open their eyes and mind to the truth.
You need to grow the fuck up. You sound like a spoiled, selfish little son of a bitch. Play by Mom and Dad's rules, or get the hell out of their house. It's not hard to understand. Ha! YOUR maid? Your parents' maid, buddy. Oh, and learn some goddamn fucking respect. You KNEW that your parents have a cleaning lady; you should've hidden your shit better or not had it in the first place. Your severe lack of common sense is not her fault.
dude...that is harsh even by my standards...I must be getting old. Go with the education of your parents path, if showing them the truth won't work, then move out, get student loans, and find a job that will work with your class schedules in college.
I don't know, man. Seems like OP was begging for a response like mine, what with all that "fuck that bitch" and "I'm gonna mess shit up for her" nonsense. He's acting truly childish, blaming her when it's actually his fault for not hiding his stuff better (and having it in the first place) and wanting to exact revenge on the woman for DOING HER JOB. Personal responsibility, people. For fuck's sakes.
I know I'm getting old. Ya lost me at the pee part. Now, let me see if I've got this right-the cleaning lady found urine in this guy's room and gave it to his is this urine packaged? Its it marked "urine"??? Is it in a box, or a bottle or... If I found a bottle of piss in some kids room I would probably ask his parents what it was. I expect bottles of pee aren't in the normal "stuff a maid runs into whilst cleaning" job description. Do you have a link to this incriminating pee product? It was the maid, in the bedroom, with a bottle of piss!
Here's what I did. Literally I was in the exact same situation. Just give your parents what they want man. If you bring things in their house, HIDE THEM. But really man wait this little "grounding" out, then go about your life hiding your habits extremely well. As long as they don't ask, don't tell. Its only for a little longer anyways, right?