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So...Ive got a vaporgenie

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by MoH, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. I really love it because its really handy and doesnt need batteries, or electricity, but I was wondering if I could be getting more out of my pot with other, electrical, more expensive vapes.
    What is the difference actually?
    Are the electrical ones better? And if so why?
  2. I've only used the VaporGenie a few times, and I liked it. The problem for me was that you have to get really used to it to get the most out of your bud without burning it. I don't think it's as efficient or convenient as an electric vape, but considering the price it obviously isn't bad. You might want to upgrade though, if you want a truly effective piece.
  3. Ok what is the next best in quality that doesnt cost to much? I went to my local store and they had an easy vape digital, an iolite (too expensive) and a extreme vaporizer. I really dont know much about them and am pretty happy with my vapor genie, but am I gonna get ALOT more out of my bud if I buy an electrical one? I mean is it worth buying another vape for 100+ dollars?
  4. i own a vaporgenie, iolite, vaporbox, and a volcano. in my opinion the vaporgenie is the best vape for the money, the iolite is pretty cool, but nothing beats the volcano :p

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