So I've been thinking

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Heroic Dose, Sep 1, 2011.

  1. So, I've been thinking a lot the last few days (and doing various unmentionables) and I decided to make a post about some of the things I've been thinking about. These are just some of my thoughts on life.

    1) Nothing truly matters

    True happiness is unobtainable. To be completely satisfied is impossible. No matter how far you make it and how much you achieve you will never be absolutely content with what you have.

    You will never leave a lasting impact on the world as a whole. Everything you ever do will be erased and forgotten. The only memories of you that live on with those you directly affected, and eventually even those will fade.

    2) Were all addicts

    Everything in life if based on pleasure. We chose our friends and lovers based on who can provide us the most serotonin on a consistent basis and nothing more. Every action we make no matter how seemingly insignificant provides us (or is expected to provide) either short term or long term pleasure. There is no such thing as a selfless action.

    Feelings are nothing but chemical reactions. It doesn't matter if it is created naturally through actions or artificially through drugs. Over time, our likes and interests develop based on those chemical reactions. Say you enjoy base jumping. When you do it you get an adrenaline rush and the pleasure from the "thrill" of the activity. You enjoyed the activity because of the chemical release it gave you.

    3) Perception creates reality

    Your mind is the most profoundly amazing thing ever. It is your reality. With it you can create, manipulate, change, and destroy everything about your existence. Say youre color blind and you perceive (what others see as) "red" as "green" and vice versa. Had nobody told you any different, you could have lived your entire life KNOWING that the green you saw was green, not red.

    If you can truly convince yourself of something, it will become reality, even if it wasn't previously. If your best friend dies and just can't accept it and believe you can still see and talk to him, then you CAN still see and talk to him. Your mind will create the sounds and images as if nothing ever happened.

    4) Drugs are tools

    Drugs are the most valuable tool you can have. With the right dose of the right thing(s) nearly anything becomes possible. You can use them to create any feeling you desire, and open your mind up to new feelings all together.

    Drugs are the great equalizer. No matter what makes you different from others drugs affect the one thing we all have in common, our minds. Given the right doses of the right drugs, the richest and poorest men in the world can be put on the same level. If you are so high that all you can do is lay down and feel amazing it doesn't matter if you're living in a mansion or a gutter for that period of time.

    Drugs are the greatest teacher. There are things that you absolutely CAN NOT know, experience, and feel without the use of drugs. They open up new paths and ways of thinking. They can offer sensations and experiences that would never otherwise be possible. They teach you things about yourself and the world you would never have known. They are to be respected and learned from.

    5) So what does it all mean?

    Control your mind, and you control the universe. You are your own God.

  2. #2 Rastafari, Sep 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 1, 2011
    True Happiness is not being pained in body or troubled in mind.

    - Thomas Jefferson

    so i beg to differ,

  3. Many people in history must be chuckling at the notion that a person can't have a lasting impact. You know, like the guy ^ that guy just quoted, for example.
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  4. Nothing lasts. It is easy to immediately take this as a reason to despair but it need not be thought about that way.

    Space-time cannot exist without change. That is essentially all that it is - a progression. You can't have a "here" without a "there" or a "then" without a "now."

    Similarly, you can't have a "you" without an "everything else." My conception of consciousness is that it is the only way for the universe to examine itself. The key to remember here is that you were never really "you," you were the universe itself. It's just that the universe has learned how to squeeze tiny parts of itself into different packages so that it can truly see its own reflection, and you happen to be in one of those packages. Death is not a journey into the unknown, to me, but a return to that from whence we sprang.

    Basically, do "you" while you can but understand that this is impermanent and that's the whole point. If the universe was supposed to remain as a singularity, the big bang never would have happened.

    Of course....there's no reason to necessarily believe that this division of the "all" through space-time is not merely one half of a cycle of expansion and contraction....To me, the universe is (like most other things) a waveform. Waves are a fluctuation between two poles. Without two poles, you cannot have a wave. When you truly internalize this you begin to see that your system of valuation is flawed. How can "bad" really be bad if the existence of "good" is dependent on it? How can "dark" be regarded as a separate phenomenon than "light"? How can "life" exist without its counterpart? Could you even define it by anything but its contrast to death?

    Happiness comes from truly accepting the cyclical nature of the universe (of does sadness.....lmao)
  5. All those wonderful 'teaching' drugs certainly havent taught you how to be an optimist...but theyve taught you that nothing truly think you still may have a ways to go to opening up some of those 'new ways' of thinking.

    The illusory aspect to life does not imply you cant make a difference in someone else's life. If youre coming from a place where you can give and make a difference, THATS all that matters. It depends on how engaged you want to be. If youre not, then no, you wont make a shit of a difference....and youll see that reflected in your own life.

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