So is Janet Napolitano just stupid or what?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by KingTut, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. #1 KingTut, Feb 3, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2011
    Janet Napolitano claims border is safe, as families flee cartel violence - National drug cartel |

    I swear, I live in Arizona, and I still can't believe they hired her for this job. What exactly makes her qualified? I can understand calming people down but those statements are out-right Bull Shit.

    Your thoughts? :bongin:
  2. She's either a complete dumbass or a liar, most likely both
  3. it's not what you know.. but who you know. Just look at our last 2 presidents.
  4. So its like the NFL...interesting
  5. i'll bite..

    what do you mean by that?
  6. Pay not attention to the man behind the curtain!
  7. and quite a man she is..

  8. Oh nothing much, but NFL teams run the same exact way more often then not. The Owner(America or The People who choose Presidents) will hire a GM(President) who will then go out and hire people he knows to be the Coaches(Secretaries), Coordinators(Under-Secretaries), Business Administrators, etcetera. He'll hire the people who he's closest too, or at least he knows of that support what he's trying to do. More often then not he controls all aspects of the Business(USA) and has his hands in every pocket. Sometimes these aren't the best decisions to make(The Lions), and sometimes it is(Steelers, Chiefs, Buccaneers, Patriots, etcetera).

    I think that analogy makes sense
  9. haha that is one ugly female
  10. i was going to say "stupid".......but after looking at that picture i have to change my answer to "or what"
  11. We'll probably know 10 or 20 years from now when the NFL becomes a Global Enterprise

  12. nah.. we'll all drown or burn to death from global warming by then.. or 2012.. whatever comes first
  13. Chicken or the Egg?

  14. you cheeky fucker you :smoke:
  15. She thinks the tea parties are a danger to the country, but anyone who's worried about the boarder is a fear monger? This woman is out of her fucking mind.
  16. Her ability for doublethink has no peer throughout all the realm, and thus, she was appointed by those who make the great decisions of this land to rule over us humble serfs and see to our safety. For who knows what travesties we might commit upon our fellow men were it not for her eternal vigilance?

  17. Please don't post your own Agenda on my thread, thank you:wave:
  18. he's right though :confused_2:

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