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So, I'm screwed(with a chance)

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Ninja20p, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. Hey seasoned toker here, and I recently got on probation, been about a week and a half sober, then Wednesday decided to drink a loko, then today smoke two bowels. I'm not worried about the drink, but now I have a few days until my piss test on Monday. The roads might be bad again (Ohio) and the place might get canceled, until next Monday. So whats everyone's take on this? :smoke:
  2. Smoking weed isn't criminal in Ohio. I'm wondering how you got this probation, it probably wasn't from smoking pot, unless you're underage.
  3. Depends on how much you smoked regularly before that. If you were completely clean then only smoked a couple bowls, with a good metabolism and a lot of water it will pass in 72hrs to a week.
  4. Lol this is irrelevent.

    Drink lots of water, you may be ok. You can buy a $15 kit at walgreens to test yourself before you go.

    Take the test, pass and smoke 3 bowls. then wait again haha
    living life on the edge. oh yeah!!!
  6. Hes close enough to passing naturally. You don't want to risk a probation drug test and have it come up diluted (too clear, which the drinks can do if you dont take Vitamin B[12?]) If it looks suspicious they'll fail him on spot or send it to a lab where it will come back with bad results.
  7. yeah everyones pretty much summed it up. if youve been keeping clean for a while and just had 2 bowls you should have a decent chance if you drink a lot of water. if you can piss half in the cup then put some warm water in as well for premium dilution.
  8. They have you piss on spot, the water will cool it and will make it fail. The only thing I can think of is what I had to do. Put clean urine into a condom. Head it up before leaving for the DT place. Tape the condom to the inside of your thigh (near the balls for males) and as it cools down it will stay at your body temp. Carry a little needle with you to poke it, then "pee" in the cup. Assuming they don't watch you. Then the only nasty part is having a piss condom attached to your leg until you leave. Better than jail or extended rehab though.
  9. Well if this is your first piss then don't worry they expect you to be dirty.
  10. This is true, then they will only count the levels going down, but if you go in clean then have any THC you fail. Although it's alright to go in the first time dirty. It's always best to go in clean and get on your P.O.'s good side.
  11. This is about my fifth piss, and it has been clean for about three of them haha. It is ice and snow everywhere so I have no clue if running is possible even, what about push ups and shit? Is there an alternative workout + water I can do? if things look grim I will do my friend's trick but I was saving that for next week.
  12. working out is going to burn the fat storing the thc and thus release the thc to pass through your body so although this is a good idea, dont do it a couple days before your test because it will temporarily raise thc levels. Cardio workout is best to burn off this fat obviously and the most important thing to drink is not water, but antioxidants. Most commonly used is cranberry juice or Cranberry pills that are 3000mg vitamin C or something like that..theyl rinse it all out. ALso Acai berry juice works quite well.

    Overall though i think you should be fine seeing how clean you were before the bowls..just drink some Vitamin B & C and youl do great THENN light up :smoke:
  13. hahahaha brilliant
  14. Here's a crazy idea...don't fucking smoke when you're on probation :confused_2:
  15. Do you know any common drinks that contain whats needed? I heard Green Tea is a smoker's best friend?

    I don't know if I can or where to get pure Vitamin B or C to tell you the truth..

    I have been clean for a while. I just didn't want to keep turning my friend down who ever since I stopped toking, has been getting great shit, and hook ups everywhere, I felt left out. I just want my life back?.. :cry:
  16. The best way to get your life back is ride out your probation without doing anything that could make it worse. I'm pretty sure jail is far worse.

    EDIT: Oh and if you have a friend pressuring you to smoke while you're on probation then he's no friend and he should be ditched.
  17. Try the Certo method. It works for my friend EVERY time and he's fat and is a daily user. Take it at 10 pm the night before, then wake up and take the other packet hour before test and drink a gallon of water. go pee a couple times, then use the piss cup mid stream look it up. buy a walgreens test and try it before you leave if youre still nervous
  18. You should almost be clean naturally by that time.
    I suggest you just hit the gym and drink a little more water than normal
  19. #19 Ninja20p, Feb 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2011
    I normally drink sparkled water (flavored) but today I have been drinking water non stop, I will do the same tomorrow as a precaution. Not I just need to work out, I will probably do so today and tomorrow, I kinda needed to anyway, lots of people hate me and I need to be prepared lol.

    Thanks for that info, you just re-leaved me entirely.

    Edit: You are referring to naturally clean in about three days right?
  20. Water does nothing. Cannabinoids and their metabolites are not water soluble. The only time it matters is before the test. Enough water can dilute the sample some. Of course they also test creatine levels and look at the color, so taking a B vitamin to color your urine and taking some extra creatine can help.

    Don't exercise the day before or morning of the test, and eat a lot of carbs. It's stored in fat after all. If your body is busy turning carbs to fat then it's not buring existing bodyfat.

    And stop smoking. Period.

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