So i'm ordering a few different strains from attitude, any tips?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Seeds Banks' started by Retrosole, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. So it looks like I'm gonna pick and mix three different strains.

    Dutch passion blueberry
    G13 Labs Pineapple express
    Barneys LSD
    Possibly LA Woman too (free)

    If anyone has any personal experience growing any of these strains any input on feeding, lighting, watering, etc. would be VERY helpful :D. Also, can anyone estimate a yield if I had a 400 HPS closet grow with the first three strains that I mentioned?
  2. Dutch Passion=Hermies
    Get Blueberry from the man that created it, DJ Short.
    DJ Short Blueberry
  3. since hes going pick and mix I very much doubt he's going to spend $85 on one strain.

  4. Yeah, I noticed that was a trend from the reviews I checked out....I may have to replace that strain with something else, i'll update when I chose a new one. But if anyone can help me with the other three, I'd appreciate it :wave::smoking:
  5. First GHS, now DP..
    You racist against the dutch? ;)
  6. Try DNA Chocolope.
  7. [​IMG]
    Are you serious? There are numerous reports all over the web of Dutch Passion plants throwing nanners.
  8. Firstly: Lighten up, it was a joke.
    And secondly, only DP's Blueberry have a heightened chance of getting hermie's. Because of it's genetics. If DJ Short had fem seeds he probably would have the same chances o getting hermie.
  9. feminized seed has become so popular,because of all the inexperienced growers around the world,and if you choose to use its your choice,ive tried and i dont care for i know the results,ive had a lot of sucess with dutch passion mazar regular seed,i know this post will stir up controversy but i am very set in what i believe because i have gained my knowledge from my own experiences,ive been doing this for decades i know what works and what doesnt,for the most part.If you want a very reliable potent easy to grow strain give th seeds bubblegum a try,you will love it,just my 2 cents
  10. Ah, well I apologize then.:poke:
  11. I agree that Dutch passion did have a bad rep with their femms but over the last few years I'd say that has changed as with some of the other seedbanks. Running Regs and better starins is the way to go but femmed seeds suit alot of growers.

    Im testing my new setup out before I get my DJ shorts blueberry in but I have been more then happy with femmed seeds so far.

  12. #13 Retrosole, Jan 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2010
    thanks blades :wave::smoking:...i'm still looking around i'll keep this thread posted when I actually order something.

    gettintall: I may have to give the bubblegum a try, though i'm looking more towards fem seeds, but oh well thanks for the advice.

  13. If you really want good fem seeds, try, they test all their strains before allowing them to be distributed. They have a very good rep. I know from experience their Grapefruit is amazing, as is their Bubblegummer. I see they have Iced Grapefruit in stock; but Grapefruit will not be available until early Feb.
  14. #15 Retrosole, Jan 26, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2010
    thanks for the advice lessismore but are they reliable? I was pretty confident from ordering attitude because it seems to have the best reviews as of lately. Iced Grapefruit sounds delicious too :)

    I'm in the US and it doesn't seem they ship here.

    I'm basically looking for an easy to grow (7-8 week flowering time), very high quality as I can only grow once for at least a year or two, and a very potent smell. I am strongly considering Barneys LSD, every review seems to say positive things about it. Price isn't too much of a problem either
  15. #16 lessismore, Jan 26, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 26, 2010

    Attitude sells stock. Many are out of stock b/c experienced growers who are familair with them buy up their seeds, and they had a brief time out due to legal issues. As for being reliable, they were the first producers distributing female seeds, and they have a very detailed technique and do test grows from every batch of seeds they produce, those which do not pass, get tossed.
  16. look up Blackberry on the attitude...I wrote it down for a MUST grow in the future...mmmm

  17. Ah that was stupid of me not to check attitude...I'm gonna go with you're advice and order the iced grapefruit before it sells out.

    Thanks for the advice bro!:wave:
  18. personnally,i dont trust femmed seeds,i think theryre a waste of money,bit like buying a fat bird a drink!!:smoking:
  19. First GHS, now DP..
    You racist against the dutch?

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