So...I'm not a teenager anymore.

Discussion in 'General' started by passage2bangkok, Apr 18, 2011.

  1. So is my 20th birthday. I'm not usually one to make a big deal out of my birthday anyway, but this one just seems especially disappointing. The only thing that's changing is, like the title says, I'm no longer a teenager...and that kind of sucks.

    On the bright side, though...only one more year till legal drinking!

    But on the dark side...that means this year is going to be the longest of my entire life. :laughing:

  2. No way... you're 20?!
  3. Way, man...way.

    How old did you think I was? :)
  4. I turned nineteen today. Right on, brother.
  5. Youre 5 months ahead of me man. Mixed feelings lol
  6. lol what's wrong with not being a teenager anymore? being a teenager blows.
  7. [​IMG]
  8. Happy B-day dude.

    I know how you feel man, I turned 20 last August, I was thinking the same things. Fortunately 21 is within sight, I cannot fucking wait.
  9. 21 in September. Probably gonna be the shortest year of my life.

  10. Haha, I know. I turn 21 like 2 weeks before I start college, and 1 of those weeks I'm gonna be in my college town, in a duplex, with access to a shit ton of bars and no class. I plan on not remembering that week that all.
  11. Enjoy those times my friend. :hippie:

    How I wish I could turn back time.
  12. I seriously thought you were AT LEAST my age. 30 something. 36 to be exact.
  13. 21 is a year-long party
  14. 21 is pretty cool I guess, it's the last really cool birthday until you're 25 and you get that insurance drop. All downhill from there though.
  15. Congratulations, Don't get a minor this year
  16. Don't forget rental cars. We all know how much fun those are to tear up.

  17. It's only like 4 months away from it. Looking forward to it.
  18. Yeah man... do it up big.

    And go out the next day and purchase alcohol with your real ID. It's so fucking satisfying.

  19. Happy birthday to you, Goopus! I'm glad to see someone else on GC shares my birthday. Is it just me, though, or do you feel like you were born two days too soon? :smoke:

    Compared with being a twenty-something, or a thirty-something, or a forty-something, or a fifty-something...I'd say it has its perks. :D

    I guess I'll consider that a compliment. :laughing: But yeah, I'm still in college.

    I cannot fucking WAIT for this.

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