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So I'm in the YMCA

Discussion in 'General' started by AmsterdamAlex, Aug 27, 2007.

  1. Today at about noon I got a little blazed up and went to lift weights at my local YMCA. The room was almost empty except for 2 or 3 other people. There was a gorgeous blonde woman, looked to be in her 30's working out. Her body was so tight she looked so fit, I really wanted to try to pick her up but I pussied out. She wasn't wearing any rings. Do you think I should talk to her next time I see her?
  2. i dunno maybe just sit at home and think about her while u beat it
  3. You lift weights high? Shit.... you're a better one than me
  4. amsterdamalex

    your very very strange
  5. if you dont try for it, youll be in the same spot you are now, might as well.

    "you miss 100% of the shots you dont take."
    -Michael Jordan
  6. i would totally go talk to her...what ya got to lose...just be respectful and pull out a little bit of swagger, and youll probably have it in the bag...alot of girls who go to the gym go with their boyfriend...
    and whatchya afraid of, if she says no, then just move on...ask her out to dinner or something at a decent to nice resturaunt, and be courteous...

    as for the lifting weights high...i do that every out though, sometimes you dont stop at your limits due to the mix of adrenaline and bong rips...pulled many of muscles stoned trying to rack up 250 for 20 reps or shit like that...just some advice so you have to ice yourself...
  7. aren't you 4'11? or some shit like that? if a woman has to look down on you to talk...don't bother unless you got $ comin out ur ass.
  8. thanks for the advice fellas, i will talk to her if i see her again. I already have a smooth approach in my head
  9. "'Ay boo, wanna get some pizza then fuck?"
  10. amsterdamalex for poster of the year

    hahaha, but nahhhh bro, how old are you? 13? don't be afraid of girls
  11. na man im not afraid of girls im in my early 20's and im talking about a woman probably in her late 30's sorry if im hessitant
  12. <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" id="xspf_player" align="middle" height="153" width="400">

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    LMAO that is funny
  13. i love fit older women
  14. Listen myt GC homies, we know this guys a fraud, his topics will disappear alot faster if you DONT post in them. Send him a PM, snd lets let this fools topics bite the dust, stop giving him the attention he wants.

    * only posted this cuz it was at the top if threads
  15. im no fraud your a clown
  16. soo, when I open this thread YMCA starts playing.. ..... hahahaha
  17. lmao like it?
  18. Ahhhhh you lost your chance.
    You usually only have 3 seconds after eye contact to man-up and say hi to her...its cool man we all have AA [approach anxiety] sometime, you just have to know you're the man and you don't care if you get shut down or not. Females always want to be approached, you just have to have that swag.
  19. good thing we never made eye contact

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