So, I'm home sick making ramen noodles with weed.

Discussion in 'General' started by Nathan, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. #1 Nathan, Feb 7, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2011
  2. Doing work on these fools that play Dirt 2.

    Swear to god no one knows the racing lines, it's too easy. Plus I think most of em are using an automatic transmission. Sissies.

    I'm just waiting for my stomach to chill out so I can try and eat some food. I never realized how much weed helped me eat.:(
  3. This is good as hell, I put weed, garlic, an egg and chicken flavoring in here. I would eat it even if it didn't get me high.

    Attached Files:

  4. cool you ever made a little sexy oatmeal firecracker :smoking:
  5. That shits looks so good.

    If I had anything but roaches I'd totally make some.
  6. You should try it sometime.
  7. I'm fuckin baked lol.

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