So I was really baked last night and popped 3mg of my klonopin

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Delusional K, Jun 4, 2009.

  1. I told myself I wouldnt abuse my prescription but my OCD was telling me to do it my voice in my head said to take them and i didnt resist this time now I feel really bad that I took them and really guilty :[

    Anyways another issue, I just woke up and I am OUT of it, my vision and motor skills are a little messed up but Im gonna be driving to see my doctor soon

    Should I either

    A) Find a way to sober up and drive there

    b) Blaze it fat and get someone else to drive me
  2. I think I should just smoke maybe that will make me feel better and get a ride to my doctor...
  3. that's a stupid ass idea, use your head man...your doc's gonna take away your script and it'll be on paper that you have a history of drug dont want that....most insurance companies will throw your application away when they see you have a history of drug abuse

    edit: but i have a voice in my head too that tells me to do stupid shit..."if you're gonna get high again, might as well do it NOW"
  4. You didn't do anything wrong... You swallowed 3 little pills, thats it, you didn't hurt anyone. You'll be fine, dont trip. And if you go to your doctor say bye bye to your script and be ready to be permanently labeled a drug abuser, good luck getting scripts in the future
    . :hello:
  5. Ya don't tell your doc cuz your hungover
  6. don't show up again 'til your script runs out..
  7. just reschedule your appointment and smoke the bud and pop some more k-pins :smoking:
  8. What I didnt tell my doctor i took klon

    I just told him i was high he didnt care

    its all good
  9. why the fuck would you do that?
    Why did you even need to go

  10. Chill doctor man. I mean, it really isn't his job to enforce laws, so he did the right thing.
  11. Most good doctors will actually say weed is better for you then drinking liqour. But a lot of them lie for the pharm companys. I had one shrink that told me to smoke bud during a panic attack and another one told me that I needed to stop weed and start takeing xannx for them..and they got better but didnt help like pot...I like my new shrink thats probud.

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