so I want to practice first with a similar plant.

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by DeadFish, Jul 10, 2006.

  1. I plan on purchasing a hydroponic system. I am fascinated by the concept of soiless growth! I been reading every FAQ I come across, but heres an refreshing question:

    I am concerned about various mistakes i might make with this new hobby... so I am thinking about starting off with a extremely similar vegetable with the same typical growth cycle as MJ.

    So can you recommend a herb or vegetable that is as close to MJ... that I can grow hydroponically just to practice on with this new hobby? I want to get "skills" and understand.. before I really make a splash.

    I want to do a bunch of practice runs... which ofcourse is legal...growing cilantro or cucumbers... so that i can spot nutrient deficiencies... etc.

    Thanks in advance. First Post too.
  2. i dont want to sound completely fucking retarted. i dont grow, i just smoke. but ive heard that MJ is like tomatoes.
  3. wow... now that was a fast reply! Yea I heard that as well about tomatoes.

    I am assuming that it would have the same lighting cycles as MJ during the vegetative and flowering stages?

    I know Im going to lose a few months "practicing".
    But I never farmed anything since 3rd grade! :D
  4. Yea- I've heard that too, on several occasions
  5. It's true.

    A Tomato plant would be your best bet.
  6. not a big fan of tomatoes.... but Thanks!

    Probably start off with those tiny tomates you see in garden salads.... I like those.
  7. Cherry Tomatoes.

    I like them too. :smoking:
  8. haha i feel very special. yay. haha. +rep me???? haha jk.
  9. i think if u can cleanly grow a cherry tomato in buckets and also grow MJ in a soil, i dont see why u couldnt combine the both. so i suppose that would be the practice grow, a soil MJ grow and a hydro cherry tomato grow.

    i absolutely love the idea that someone would actually practice growing before going into it. not only is it illegal and u better be spot on or u could end up in the pokey, not only is growing anything inside or outside tough if u have never done it before, not only is there so much miss-information out there for a 'newbie', and last but not least not only does practice make perfect, but the big addition is the math of it all.

    lets pretend ur an ave. smoker and it costs (add ur $x)month x 12 = x /year. x 40 years of ur future smoking life x inflation of 3% = alot of $$$. u add into that formula, the enjoyment of it all, and u got urself a hefty little # going. u add to that maybe a few friends, and u got urself a hobby. i suppose if u add a lot more friends to it, u got urself an enterprise... but it can only start if u start and the best way to start is to start at the start which is to practice:)
  10. I saw 'I Grow Chronic" by Mr. Green, and it has so far been the most informative...and SLOW PACED guide I have ever seen! He speaks clearly..and slow, only fault I saw was when he was going over the contents of the nutrients... there is no mention at all of exactly how much nutrients to water he did.(perhaps legal reasons, I dunno.) So I guess its RTFM (Read the fuckin manual....for tomatoes.)

    Since I am starting off... legally growing veggies... I shouldnt really care if I purchase online either through a vendor.. or an ebay marketplace... my tools. Right?

    By the time my "skills" are up to a knowledgeable understanding... I should be well on my way in a better location anyway.

    I do fear a leaky system in the middle of the night... that will really suck. But Im not thrilled about some of the prices I have seen online.

    Anyone have any opinions on StealthHydro Products:

    The name alone kinda worries me... to tell you the truth. :D
  11. just get some skunk seeds and start growing best way to learn!:hello:
  12. Why not practice with marijuana first?
  13. Marijuana plants are in a class of their own in the plant kingdom.

    Thats why we can't smoke any other plants and get the same effect.

    Marijuana behaves like marijuana and no other plant can mimic that exactly. But as stated before.
    Tomato's seem to come the closest in their metobolic make-up.
    So yeah, try some cherry tomato's to start off with, but i would still be discreet about what you buy and where you buy and from whom you buy it from.....cheers
  14. The genus Cannabis is in the plant family Cannabaceae, a small family containing only one other genus, Humulus.

    Humulus is hops!!! So they are the closest relative to cannabis. Practise growing hops and then make beer.
  15. Forget what i said, i would grow hops too.

    Or tobacco plant...
  16. i have been practicing with a large leaf basil plant, ive managed to clone/lst/fim with great success. now that i have a garden full of the stuff its time to move on, no one ever ever replied when i asked if growing/cloning basil was anything close compared to mj. As a side note, basil produces flowers that sorta look like buds so you can get a feel for creating more budsites, the largest one i have is about 3 feet wide and 2 feet tall with hundreds of buds(they throw seeds too) just be carefull, after a basil plant flowers the leaves become bitter, not what u want in a pesto.

    In my opinion any kind of gardening is just improving that well sought after green thumb.

    Hope this helps, i find whatever im growing (sunflowers for now) is a fun and legal thing to do, nothing like producing some organic munchies

  17. [quote name='DeadFish']I saw 'I Grow Chronic" by Mr. Green, and it has so far been the most informative...and SLOW PACED guide I have ever seen! He speaks clearly..and slow, only fault I saw was when he was going over the contents of the nutrients... there is no mention at all of exactly how much nutrients to water he did.(perhaps legal reasons, I dunno.) So I guess its RTFM (Read the fuckin manual....for tomatoes.)

    i saw the same video, and it has been very informitive, though he doesn't make much mention about the lighting that he is useing eather. i had to write because when you said that he wouldn't read the contents of the nutrients for legal reasons, i thought: here's a guy makeing and advocating a video about growing pot and whatever you do: DON'T READ THE FUCKING NUTES MAHNN! - THEY'LL GET US!!! Sorry! it's cool, - i just had a funney thought that's all. Mr. Green is good, but he seems to BS a few key issues for some reason...

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