SO, I wanna get my Medical Card in California

Discussion in 'General' started by ediblez, Oct 9, 2012.

  1. But,

    I dont know where to start. I live in Southern California 818.
    and its super easy to get but im nervous if it will be in my permanent record.
    the pros and cons. i'm a chem major looking to be a pharmacist in the future and idk what to do. should i get it my card or not?

    help me please
  2. Do u have a valid california ID and proof of residents
  3. venice beach man its easy and it takes like less than a hour. the only way the goverment will know is if you let them know
  4. Its super easy. I got my rec and the only way anyone will ever know if you have a rec is if they ask the doctor that gave you your card. Though that stuff is private, between you and your doctor.

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