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so i wanna cook

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Fictitious, Aug 16, 2012.

  1. I have this....the remains of a root bound bitch! I wanna make some butter. Its dryish, gonna grind it up. No no no.....I have some buds to smoke also. Just need to get a clue on how many sticks of budder to use. My guess is 1.5 sticks.


  2. 1.5 sticks is probably too much from the looks of it.

    Can you weigh what you have?
  3. idk man looks like about a half ounce, a buddy of mine used to use a whole stick for a quater ouce and it worked well for him. fast metabolism though.

    id think youd be alright. you can always run it twice though if its rediculously strong right?
  4. Looks like nice buds. Don't use butter it's inferior and a waste ...please try coconut oil, lecithin and b sure to decarb. Follow BadKatSmiles e
    Technique. With half a zip u should b able to make a least two trays of 16 brownies or two dozens muffins
  5. I don't have a scale at the momement. Oil sounds interesting. I'm not sure what decarb means. I will look up the other post. Thanks for the insight! Gonna try to get this going tonight. I will have to do it outside. Would someone walking a dog be able to tell what the odor was?

  6. Don't cook it outside. It is a very recognizable smell.
  7. how do you plan to do this outside? And decarbing takes an oven. You put your grownd up weed in the oven in a tinfoil pouch (or another sealed container) for 30 mins @ 220f
  8. I can do the oven part to decarb. My original thought was to make butter at night while camping. Guess I will scrap that in favor of oil. My next problem is I only have a gas stove. I have heard cooking oil on an open flame is bad. Wonder if I could use a fry daddy?
  9. Second thought is that might be too hot
  10. I wouldn't cook oil on an open grill. Try to find 2 40 minute periods to cook your oil in. Shouldn't smell at all if you seal the container with foil very throughly.

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