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So I took a hit of my glass pipe...

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by SIR_JANE, Oct 7, 2007.

  1. And as i hit I had this nasty thing in my throw fealing and threw up....why??:confused:
  2. The answer to this question "why" could be an origination of many things, one of which requires more information on your part. What was in the bowl? Was it laced? Was your hit just to large for your lungs? Did you just get to high during a monster inhalation and vomit? These are all possibilities.
  3. I've had that same problem with bongs. I take too big of hits and just end up coughing until I puke. After that I just wash my mouth/brush teeth and hit again lol. I ussually am stoned as fuck allready though before I puke.

    Something that helped me not puke during bonging sessions is just drinking ice cold water between hits.
  4. How long has it been since you cleaned you bowl? If it is so dirty you want to vomit... Better get cleaning :smoke:
  5. thats one of the worst feelings, taking a huge hit and coughing your guts up if not throwing up.

    best to have a drink readily available
  6. A hair might have fell into your bowl or stuck to your bud. I have two animals that shed so I'm always inspecting my nugs. Smoking hair will do that. You know that smell when it burns... just imagine the taste.
  7. your glass pipe might be a little shorter than what you are used to.. so it might have hit the back of your throat hard, you will get used to it, build up some nice scar tissue

  8. hahaha
  9. u probally took to big of a hit
  10. i second the animal hair theory.

    also, I seocnd the clean your pipe theory.
  11. it was prolly that big pipe hit of dirt you took
  12. Pull some ash threw?

  13. what do you mean by laced? in my bowl was some out door bud and I havent cleaned my pipe I had packed two bowls hours earlier could it have been that?

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