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So I tired yayo

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Poppa Choppa, Sep 19, 2009.

  1. #1 Poppa Choppa, Sep 19, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2017
  2. #2 Mindgnome, Sep 19, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 19, 2009

    Haha, dont fight on coke, you will end up in prison dude haha. Like no joke, I bet you would punch someone at least twice as hard if you were doing street fights on stimulants/amphetamines, plus it would be obvious too. Cocaine is one of those drugs where the people who are on it think that no one notices anything suscpicious, in reality they are twitchy and you can tell they are on something. I sort of felt the same way about it so I never did it again. I dont see the point in spending 160 dollars in 2 hours.

    EDIT:Your sig is awesome haha. Totally looks like the beginning of a legit business.
  3. #3 LegitBaller, Sep 19, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 19, 2009
    I agree its overrated, but I think you need more then 1 line and a gummy to feel any 'true' effects. 1 line will jumpstart your shit, but I dont see the point in doing just 1 you did just 1 line is beyond me as well, but thats actually a good thing.

    p/s damn dude your movin some serious weight :rolleyes:

    edit- if thats a legit business then im pablo escobar the 2nd.
  4. i agree that coke is very overrated,,,im not gonna go looking for it but if its on the table for a cheap price or even free then ill do some lines lol

  5. Haha. If you are the second pablo escobar you must have murdered a bunch of dea by now haha. Seriously though, that guy was bad news, people shouldnt look up to him. I think the op would find that doing more would lead to a better euphoria, but he would also find the high doesnt last long. Oh and about that weight, in pounds, I have seen over 300 with my own two eyes haha. Not saying you look up to escobar haha.

    EDIT:Is this site based in amsterdam? just curious.
  6. I have to go with everyone else on this. Coke overrated. Well actually let me be more clear. Snorting coke is overrated.:devious:
  7. #7 Poppa Choppa, Sep 19, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 19, 2009

    That was the start of a legit business. Not going to say who's.. :rolleyes:
    No but seriously that was I think my very first grab ever and my avatar is how much it would make if by some chance it were to be sold. But I never sold any of it of course ;) But that pic is pretty old now.

    And to the other guy, the reason I did one line is because 1. it was free and 2. I just wanted to try it and I was already wasted and high so I didn't want to make a bad choice cause I know I wasn't thinking straight. I probably could have done more but all I wanted was a small amount to try it.
  8. Like I would be weary of using it with alcohol for future use, because both do affect your heart, but in opposite ways.

  9. ya uppers and downers dont mix...i dont even fuck with that shiit man...not worth it

    like people who roll and drink...stupid as fuck if u ask me...i mean why drink when ur already completely fucked up anyways and need to stay hydrated...alcohol dehydrates you and wont be helping at all lol
  10. I figured 1 small line and a gummer would be fine with a bit of alcohol. I know they aren't supposed to mix but I wasn't too drunk.
  11. I definitely know people like that. If I do a substance like that I always have a bottle of water by my side and never mix it with alcohol
  12. Yeah thats pretty much what I thought when I tried it for the first time. What's the big deal about? I don't understand why it gets so hyped up cocaine is pretty lame.

    It's nice to sober you straight up after 12 beers though.

  13. lol only if there were more people like us (no offense to people who do mix that shit...just saying that its stupid and gives the drug a bad name)

    i mean if ur already rolling your tits off, is alcohol really gonna make u feel more fucked up...not really unless u get shitfaced (in which case u will probly OD unless ur drink a fuckin shitload of water)
  14. Coke makes me horny. Works like a supercharger. All women become 10's. I have heard the effects are not uncommon among males. So I would have to say its worth it, but the impurities screw you up after.
  15. QFT 100% throughout. :eek:
  16. cocaine and alcohol go hand in hand.

    but yeah, once last year in the middle of the winter at some frat party my boy jumped out the first floor window to run out and greet us all.. it was like 20 degrees outside and he was wearing a wifebeater...

    and he wanted to fight us 4 for fun...

    and he still denies he was blown.
  17. haha, he was probably on meth.
  18. I've heard about violence on coke, but never encountered it. Maybe just lucky.
  19. Coke/Meth are evil from base. Gasoline stomping to make it is scary.
  20. Coke is somewhat easier to hide, it doesn't turn your pupils into saucers, but yeah, coke has to be one of the biggest personality changing drugs I know.

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