So I think I have hypochondria

Discussion in 'General' started by bigdankkush, Mar 4, 2013.

  1. I'm not gonna say I do have it cause I could be wrong, but I just learned about it and have had/have almost all symptoms. Anyone out there with it too? CRe to share?
  2. until recently I was convinced I had lymphoma or leukemia.

    I had sort of a deep lump in the right side of my neck, and some other non specific symptoms started cropping up(fatigue, rapid pulse, sporadically high blood pressure)...I was obsessed with my health thereafter, and I started to think that every little ache and pain was a symptom of cancer. Eventually I realized that I didn't have cancer, and that I was driving myself crazy with anxiety for no reason.

    I'm not really sure if I'm actually a hypochondriac though. I generally don't worry about my health unless I have a reason to.
  3. I see what you did there.
  4. I don't understand ? I didn't do anything...

    Usually after I smoke I think I got a collapsed lung. I think I'm having a stroke/seizure because I feel off. I always research diseases etc then after I am convinced I have symptoms. I always check my pulse as I fear my heart is beating insanely fast/stopped, and it is always normal.

    Shit like this all day long, it's annoying to deal with but I don't think it's nearly as bad as others have it. I used to believe weed caused this, but now that I think about it, I've been doing shit like this for so long... Weed just brought it to the surface.

  5. It's just kind of ironic, as hypochondriacs always think they have something, and you think you have hypochondria. In other words, you probably do. Honestly, I'm the same way, though. I have bad anxiety as well, which you may also have.
  6. Im too lazy for a long reply but i swear this entire post is my life dude

    If it makes u feel any better ur not alone

    If u want to talk more u can private message me
  7. I'm the same way. I check my pulse probably 15x a day.. I know.. Sounds insane.. I have anxiety and sometimes panic attacks but usually only when I'm hungover. I'm on anxiety meds right now but I'm in the process of quitting them.

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