So i started my new classes today..

Discussion in 'General' started by uRbAnDieSeL*ATL, Jan 8, 2008.

  1. this morning for the new quarter. There's only me and this one dude in the class, along with about 20 other girls hah, i don't mind. And, were all standing in front of the class giving intros and when it was my turn i said, "my names ****, i just moved out to georgia about 6 months ago and i work at starbucks!" (i didnt really care). teacher asked where from and i just told her then she asked me whats different about the two, and my response was, "theres alot more trees out here" LOL!!! everyone thought i meant tree trees like pine trees and shit, but i meant trees :smoking:

    but yeah, this one stoner lookin girl gave me a funny look when i said that and the rest of the class was like neat-o

    hah.. what a great way to start the new semester!

    sry if that doesn't sound right at some parts, i just broke my week long tolerence break
  2. Yea I had my first class today too. Just got back and all I have to say is DAMN. Going back to school after 8 months of leave is a trip. After I finish my 2 other classes today, gonna have my first sesh in my new place I'm in right now. It's gonna be schweeeet! :D

  3. My classes don't start until the 22nd, which is good, I still need to get my books! ug.
  4. ^^^^ Same here,tat and I needto pay my fees. Gahhh
  5. My classes don't kick off until the 14th. I started off part time since I still need enough money from work to pay off the semester, but I'm sure I'll move into full time by next year.

    Insofar, my classes are dog-dick easy: Algebra 1 and Photography 1, which is a film course but I'll manage. This semester will be a breeze. I can cruise through with straight A's and get a few recommendations to move into higher classes without dealing with the prerequisites.

    Hopefully I can convince my student consultant, who happens to be the Photography professor, to let me into the Photojournalism course I've been looking into. This is actually rather convenient though; I'll use this semester to save up for the lens I need for Journalism and save myself quite a bit of stress.

  6. Eh, my classes don't start till the 17th o_O

    I'm takin a full 15 hour course load with semi easy classes but I am taking french (probably my hardest class) It's an hour and 15 minute class mon-fri! So I'm lookin to switch it out for somethin easier...

    I was kinda hopin for some blades on GC to give me some easy class recommendations. I gotta get straight A's this semester... I did pretty bad my first semester so yea, any suggestions are greatly appreciated :wave:
  7. I start my classes tomorrow. Its going to be kind of wierd being in school again I have been working for the last 2 years.
  8. Haha, that's great.. Around here most people would have cracked up and given you funny looks like that girl :smoking:

    I usually start off by saying "Hey, I'm **** and I have lived in Hamburg, Germany, Rome, Italy, Amsterdam, Holland, and that I speak 7 languages. My major is physics, and I hope this class is gonna be fun!"

    This usually scores me a lot of friendships and attention from girls.. Many got the looks, but do you have the brains? I dew botch! :D
  9. I guess I can third the motion. 22nd is a popular day for schools to be in session.
  10. word, im in class right now haha. So boring all i do is surf the city:smoke: god bless university hahah, your paying they don care what you do ha. W/e its an easy class anyway:confused: haha

  11. Nice, I start the 14th too. But Im leaving the 10th so Im there the day before since its a long trip to do at 6am. Also got a 3 day transfer orientation beforehand which should be fun.

    Lets here it for us college students!!:hello:
  12. LOL nice 1 urbandiesel.

    i start the 14th. im looking forward to this 1 philosophy elective im taking. "Knowledge and Reality."
    here is what the class is centered around:
    What is the nature of reality? How do I know what is real and what is misleading appearance, error, or illusion? What is knowledge? How do I find out who I am and how I relate to the world around me?
    i probably wouldn't have even considered taking this class if i didn't smoke. im hoping i will do alright, seeing as i have never taken any similar course.

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