They popped after 3 days and since then it has been cold and rainy. At least 2-3 inches of rain, with more on the way tonight. Temps have ranged down into the mid 50s to mid 60s. The seedlings look ok, but their soil is soaked and since we tend towards "acid rain" in the New England area I'm sure the soil Ph is off. Should I add ground oyster shell to the soil to buffer the rain?
you have ample opportunity a window of up to 2 weeks before first flower is good use the same window to fim/lst start on the 2nd lateral good luck
We're supposed to warm up and start to see some sun beginning today. I don't think these little guys have seen more than a couple of hours of sun since they hatched.
My soil: Coast of Maine Bar Harbor Blend Premium Potting Soil is made with salmon, blueberry, lobster and other composts, calcium and chitin-rich lobster shells, sphagnum peat, perlite and kelp meal