So I just woke up, I got stoned with hashbean in my dream! lol

Discussion in 'General' started by Best1, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. my first stoned lucid dream :) my friend is J in this story.

    So anyways the setting was in my high school lunchroom. Hashbean had bud everywhere... Bud was drying which looked like posters we had IRL, and he had garbage bags full of bud on each table! He also had this joint roller this rolls about 100 or so fat joints, and anyone could grab one and get stoned.

    The lunchroom was full! It was like a mini hashbean cup! Haha, the only way I could explain it. So anyways, I talk to hashbean, and he's letting people take hits off his RooR, where the cafeteria cooks make food at in the lunchroom.

    So it comes to my turn, and I rip a fat bowl, and J does too. So I haven't smoked in 3 weeks IRL, so I was STONED off 1 bowl. Especially because I was smoking on Hasbeans bud haha.

    So after I take my rip, EVERYONE I walk by, is like "omg you an your friend smell like bud." So I started gettin paranoid and ran to the boys bathroom, where people kept making fun of us cause we were stoned!

    Like WTF, there's a Hashbean cup going on, of course I'm going to get fuckin stoned. Well anyways, my friend never smoked in his life, but he did in my dream.

    So I'm washing my hands lookin in the mirror to see how red my eyes were, but they were fine. J takes a piss, and starts playing with his dick, I'm like WTF! I'm to stoned for this.

    So the people in the bathroom were making fun of J, so I punched both of the dudes in the face and they were both out cold. We walked out and I somehow teleported back to my house, and then I woke up to my damn phone ringing!

    Dammit! Oh well, just wanted to post this before I forget. It was the best dream I've had, and I always wanted to get stoned in my dream. :)
  2. The best dream you've ever had included someone jerkin' t in the bathroom with you. Fuckin' a, man, sounds like a party!
  3. epic dream lol!

    I hadda lucid dream last night, was gonna smoke some bud at one point but forgot and screwed some chick lol :D
  4. hahaahh thats awesome except for the masturbating part wtf? lol?
  5. lol when you smoke in your dream does it feel like your getting high somehow? ive never had a dream where I am smoking in it lol I do plenty of that in real life
  6. If you've never experienced it IRL then you brain would fabricate some sort of expected response. But since you have experienced it then your dream-high would be very similar to you real life high.
  7. so when you wake up from smoking in your dreams do you feel baked
  8. I believe it's just a really vivid dream. Lucid dreaming is where you consciously realize you're asleep and basically take control of your dream... do anything. Usually you just wake up from the realization due to your brain basically failing at comprehending such awesomeness.

    That dream sounds kickass, though! I love getting high in my dreams... it always happens when I'm taking T-Breaks, though, and even in the dream I think I'm fucking the tbreak up... when I wake up it takes me a second to figure out why I'm not high anymore, and then I'm like :(
  9. your :( made me :)

    kinda f'd up
  10. Oh yeah it was probably just a vivid dream. Haha but awesome nonetheless. Yeah, I felt baked as fuck, and was worried when I woke up that I smoked because I'm trying to take a T Break, then realized it was just a dream. :)
  11. its crazy how well the mind replicates being stoned in ur dreams :smoking:
  12. Stopped here. Keep a dream journal though, might start the habit myself.

    EDIT: And by habit I mean keeping a dream journal, not playing with my dick.
  13. Hey, I'm telling the truth. I'm not going to lie about what happened and it's not like I was able to control what my friend does in my dream.

    Give me a break please.

  14. But you know it probably has some sort of significance towards how you feel about your friend. It probably just means you're very comfortable around him.
  15. so youre best dreams about a burnout and your friend masturbating

    i guess thats cool
  16. Well, I meant it's the best dream I've had stoned, didn't mean best dream I've EVER had but oh well, my fault for saying it wrong. Guess I got to excited.

    Anyway to delete this thread?

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