So i just found out that....

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by yoyoman305dade, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. I talked to my guidance councler and he said that weed was worse for you/ more dangerousness than running down the middle of the highway, governmental testing proved it. I gotta quit blades, I don't wanna die. :eek:
  2. doesn't the middle of the highway have guard rails on each side? sounds pretty safe to me

  3. he said like the middle of it as in right where all the cars go, not the acutal middle
  4. I hope you looked at him with a suitable amount of disdain. Such nonsense coming from the mouth of someone in a position of trust.
  5. lol:laughing:
  6. well if he is such a genius how come all he does is tell kids what to do with their life. So far fucking Snooki has done more with her life than him, bitch wrote a best seller, and she's an idiot
  7. Tell him to watch the movie The Union then GTFO
  8. are you being sarcastic or something?
  9. Well, it probably is more harmful than running/exercise.

    I don't see anything in the OP about the highway having to have cars travelling on it.
  10. Next time ask him if he ever was educated in his life
  11. If you did run down the middle of a highway cars would probably just pass you on the side.
  12. Has he tried either?

  13. Ok guys I had enough, what does fucking OP stands for? :confused:
  14. Original Post
  15. Sounds like you live in utah or something. If your guidance counselor says you should stop you should listen. Hes obviously done a lot with his life. Still in highschool at 45. Way to go guidance counselor.... Way to go.

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