Normaly I don't really like cross country but its dman fun when you baked. All these places I can ride to out my front door. Pics: 1 - Smoking the first joint 2 - Riding down the train tracks 3 - Crossing A Field 4 - Little downhill 5 - Nice scenery
1 - River 2 - Little singletrack 3 - On top of a hill where I smoked my second joint 4 - View of a train bridge across the valley (it's acctully huge) 5 - Gunna bulid up a landing on this and make a 10+ footer Peace Dannk!...
wow man thats very cool. Looks fun, I havent gone mountain biking in a while, and never have blazed. +rep for an awesome trip.
true mountain biking is in the rockies lol its fun as hell gettin blazed on the lift up then when you get off your like whoa! then you ride down the mountain haha, same thing goes for snobarding its just as fun gettin just as blazed