For having 8 plants. Here's how it went down: This guy ratted me out after I filed theft charges on him for stealing money from my house to support his filthy fucking heroin habit. The cops come and take my statement. After that, they stepped outside for a while to talk. I used that time to move my plants and lights to a closet in my grow room. They ask me about the supposed marijuana plants which he informed were in my bathroom (wtf?). They ask if they can take a look in the bathrooms. I tell them, "sure, you can look in my bathrooms." But no. As if he were deaf, the pig walks straight to my GROW ROOM where he saw me walking from He then smells the plants, opens up the closet where they were hidden and places me under arrest. (They saw me walking out of the grow room and shutting the door. This is why I was arrested.) This is called illegal search and seizure. This shit isn't going to fly with me. The pig claimed he could smell them from the front door but that is bullshit. You couldn't smell them unless you were 2 inches from the grow room door and my bathrooms are much further away than that.
Not sure if it was an illegal search, once you give them permission to go into your home, they can look anywhere they want for anything.
They'll argue that seeing you come from that room was probable cause to search it when they entered in their minds, whether that will hold up or not I don't know but to me it seems like it will trump you saying "I said just the bathrooms."
no, its not unlawful search and siezure. once you give them permission to search one room, they can search all of the others. they just need to be in the house and they can search it. it sucks yeah, but hey,its the fuckin cops. you can try filling a motion to supress with ur lawyer but i doubt itll fly.
The cop asked, "May I look in your bathroom" I said, "Sure, follow me my bathroom is this way" He simply walked to the room he saw me walking out of before. The reason they even looked in the first place was simply because this guy told them "There are marijuana plants in the bathroom" That is no probable cause. It was simply a kid running his mouth after I called the cops on him for stealing.
You made the do not do mistake number 1 holy grail most important and under rated rule of growing....why in the F'in world would you let some little punk like this dude find out you were growing? Them hearing from 1 lousy person that you are growing is not enough reason for them to investigate but I dont know what case you have if you gave him permission to search
dude you agreed to let them search, you should have just not consented to a search and then they would have to obtain a warrant. could have all been avoided. cultivation is a felony too.
As a law student, by giving them permission to enter your home and look in the bathrooms, you are giving them permission to not only look there but anywhere else they want to as well. Sorry man.
yea na u fucked yourself...WHY would you go to the cops in the first place...and you are just as bad as that kid u called the cops first my man....u snitched on him so he snitched on you....well what did we learn here today people???? --------->STOP SNITCHIN<-------------
what? no shit snitchin is running to the police like a bitch stealing is taking something that isnt yours...i guess i dnt no wat your sayin..BUT THEY BOTH SNITCHED... he got robbed, he knew who did it so he called the cops...aka snitchin...then the kid told the cops the kid he robbed grew weed to save his ass...aka SNITCHING i will say it again STOP SNITCHIN IF YOU DO ANYTHING ILLEGAL YOU ARE NOT A CITIZEN(law abiding which is the only kind) ANYMORE...U GROW, SELL, BANG, OR JUST DO DRUGS, SNITCHIN IN ANYWAY IS NOT ACCEPTED...IF U WANNA CALL THE COPS BECAUSE SOME JUNKIE STOLE FROM YOU MAKE SURE YOUR A CITIZEN OR THERE WILL BE REPROCUSSIONS...IM TIRED OF YOU BITCHES
Are you a fucking idiot? If someone stole money from me, I wouldn't call it "snitching" by telling the police so I could get it back. If I come up to you and shoot you (completely hypothetical) are you not going to tell the police? If you did you'd be a damn snitch right? You, sir, have smoked yourself fully retarded.
you damn rite if you shot me and i saw your way im tellin police....the day i get released from the hospital...then i walk up to you and shoot you in the back of your head(hypothetical of course)...problem solved and you know what else?no snitchin but honestly lets say u get shot, would u rather shoot back or send the person to jail. i aint sendin no one to jail..just hell and ps he sed it was a dope fiend who stole his money...regardless if you tell police you aint gettin your money back...y send him to jail when you can beat the fuckin dope out of him like i said if your an everyday law abiding citizen and something happens where you dont no what to do call the cops....but if you livin a certain life...or at least wanna be by tellin ppl that you growin n shit snitchin is a no no...STAY AWAY FROM THE SYSTEM
Wake the fuck up. Calling the cops on someone who blatantly violates the law is the right thing to do. & the snitch got his ass laid out the next day. Maybe you should stop smoking for a little while so you can gain some common fucking sense and learn the difference between snitching and trying to clean some thieving junkie fucks off the street.