Was smoking with my girl tonight, and discovered something amazing. We blazed our 2010 bc gridded bub first. This piece has an 18mm joint. Havent smoked since friday night so got high as fuck. Then we wanted to hit our sheldon tube thats got a sweet worked alex k showerhead. Its soo classy lol. Specially the hats label. This has a 14mm joint. So my girl friend was holding it, and took the downstem out to look at it. Then she looks at me and asks if the 2010 will fit in the sheldon without the downstem. I never though to give this any thought, who woulda thought 18 would fit with 14? Anyways, it did. Shits awesome. It like triples the volume and it smooth as hell. Plus, the angle you hit it is perfect for my "lounge position" and all I gotta do it tilt my head forward slightly. Not useful as a daily drive though. Oh, and the water in the tube is pointless, i know. we were lazy. Enjoy pics, not working. one sec.
I like that for the lounge position, looks pretty cool. The reason it fits without the stem in is because the stem is actually an 18 -> 14 reducer stem, meaning the joint on the tube itself is 18.
It is always fun to figure new stuff out like that. BUT here's an even better idea: get an 18/18mm downstem, and then you can use the ashcatcher like.... an ashcatcher! edit: you could probably throw some water into that connector arm that turns the ashcatcher into a bub. now you have a dub bub with a natural perc in it! how fucking awesome is that
Id do that, but dont feel like wasting money on something im not gonna use often. I got my syn showerhead to use it as a real ashcatcher on anyways. I got the j-arm from capitol hemp down here in dc. Its made by a company called name brand. Capitol hemp has a bunch of their products, theyre not bad but they arent high end either.