So I found a dead girl...

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Borstal, Sep 16, 2009.

  1. It has already been mentioned, but laughter is not an uncommon response to extreme shock. This happens to my wife as well, and she is really disturbed and embarrassed by it.

    One night our little dog was playing fetch in the living room and the dog ran head first at full speed into a solid oak table. Our dog start seizing (having a seizure) and my wife got a very panicked look on her face, but started laughing. The laughing was followed by balling/tears. She did the same thing when I sliced my finger to the bone and blood was gushing everywhere. It is an unfortunate but natural response in some people to extreme shock.

    Hopefully (and probably) that was the case for her friends.

    Did they determine the actual cause of death? It takes a lot of alcohol to die of alcohol toxicity. People sometimes die from lack of oxygen because they are alone, pass out, and vomit.

    So sorry to hear about this. Some counseling is definitely in order.

  2. This. Just do it bro

    PTSD is hell on earth.
  3. Hon, go to the therapist!

    Granny :wave:
  4. Me and my brother saw a dead body (partially) about 20 yards away at night while we were taking out the trash many years ago; minutes later multiple patrol cars and an ambulance rushed into where the body was at.

    All we saw was his lower body, the rest of the body was covered by bushes. He had broken into someone's apartment and the lady there shot him in the back/chest.

    That's fucked up though, I've never been near or touched a dead body.

    I understand that laughing sometimes is a way to cover crying, but if those girls were truly her friend, those laughs would have turned into cries sooner or later. If they laughed the wole time, there is something really wrong with them, at least IMO.
  5. damn man. thats intense...
  6. Your sister and her friends must be quite naive to laugh at a situation like that. If I were to find out anyone I've ever even gone to school with died whilest high I'd probably jump back to reality and sort things out...

    I know this could be tramatic to you yet it's imperative to understand that you did all you could, which was admirable in your case, and let it be a lesson learned for not only yourself, GC as well as your sister and her friends that responsibility should be put first with not only alchohol but any other drug out there.

    Thanks for sharing, man.

    What a shame, but good vibes - and talking it out it will help.
  7. Just coming back here to thank everyone for the good vibes and words. Have a meeting setup now and I should be good. Might take a break from here for a while.

  8. Good luck man :cool:
  9. yeah who the fuck laughs at something like that... it would be the biggest buzz kill even if i was rollin. just talk to people though, whether it be family, friends, counselor, or even the blades on GC.

    or smoke a blunt too
  10. well said. if a dead body isnt a buzz kill for them then that is scary.
  11. Man. Something like that almost happened to me the first time i drank. It was in a forest and I drank a fifth of JD in about an hour and a half. I passed out in the woods and woke up at a hospital with hypothermia and alcohol poisoning with a cop standing over me asking where I got the alcohol(I was 15). Its weird to think how close I could have been to something like what happened to her.
  12. Go see a counsellor. If this is fucking with your head, without intervention, it will only get worse and more compounded over time.
  13. That is fucked. Of all the emotions, they choose laughing?? I can understand rage, I can understand crying, I can understand being in shock, I can even understand being emotionless, but laughing in midst of a perished friend? That is so naive, I would have raged, I know I would have.
  14. Dude, this is why our generation coined the term WTF.
  15. You should have started CPR...

  16. Hmmm unless hes certified most people do more damage then good while doing cpr. Plus if her heart had already stopped there wouldnt be much of a reason too, you would have just been keeping her organs alive temporarily.
  17. So your sisters friends were laughing at their dead friend? Holy shit they are fucked up people. I think you should talk to someone for sure. I know that'd bother the hell out of me.
  18. :(

    That's fucked up that people were laughing. It seems like that wouldn't be half as traumatizing if you had been comforted instead of seeing people laugh at this girl. It's upsetting either way, though, and you certainly should talk to someone about it.
  19. i agree with this. i think whats bothering you the most about this whole thing is trying to understand why the girls friends were laughing at her dead body. Makes you wonder about if you have any so called "friends" who would do this if it were you. then again girls can be evil
  20. u know u got real friends when.....they see ur dead body and start laughing ....

    just joking thats hard hope u wont get mental psychic problems n shit

    seen a dead guy some weeks ago ... after the way home from school (last grade) bus stopped cuz a guy on a bicycle got roadkilled by a driver with ~80MPH

    the bad thing is I DIDNT CARE and this is the part that shocked me .... seeing a dead body is hard i thought but it was like buying things or something ....just normal

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