So... dry hitting

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by Zulgaines, Mar 26, 2014.

  1. #1 Zulgaines, Mar 26, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 26, 2014
    So I was just changing the screen in my glass whip piece and I decided to turn it around and dry hit it with my lighter like I do my pipe for a resin hit and... oh my God I'm so fucking high right now, really fucking high.
    So yeah, give it a try if you want, you should.
    Just wanted to share.
    Love you guys.

  2. hey man I just ordered the Atmos Jr. vape pen and i am mainly gonna vape flowers the reason i got it was to smoke in the house without my mom (very close minded person) noticing. does vaping take the smell away or is it still there just not as strong and smoke? Also is it easier to mask with fabreeze or by just openning a window?
  3. The atmos vape pen isn't a true vape as It burns half the flower is it trying to vape, it is more like an electric pipe

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  4. #4 Mauhini, Mar 26, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 26, 2014
    The Atmos sucks ass. Idc what review say. I have one and the little tool they give you to clean the flower chamber ended up breaking the very very thin metal coil that heated the flowers. Plus it took so fucking long
    I work in retail and wanted a pen to vape in the back warehouse but the atmos is so obvious standing there for mad long waiting for that shit to heat up. Fuck that
    (lol typical careless high statement) 
    You're outta luck.   As others have said, the Atmos will not vape flowers.
    Yeah you should return that man, it will NOT vaporize flowers, it will burn them.
  7. This solves my wand hash problem
    Thank you so much
    I can't believe i never thought of that
  8. I do that when my screens get clogged to bad. I clean them with alcohol afterwards.

    I also like to crank the vaporizer temp up and take vapor hits off the clogged screen . It helps to pro long the time till I have to take it out to be cleaned.
  9. #9 Zulgaines, Mar 27, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2014
    Hate to tell you buddy but I actually bought the Atmos Jr. as well, because I got a good deal on it and needless to say that piece of crap is in the garbage somewhere now.
    Here's what you can do though, when smoking in the house, go to any store that sells laundry stuff(Pharmcy, grocery store, anything) and get some dryer sheets. Stuff some of them in a tube(Toilet paper tube works) and blow your smoke through the tube. It works like a filter and cuts the smell big time. Blow it out a window like that for bonus points.

    Try to avoid breathing the smoke out of your nose when trying to hide the fact that you're smoking. Exhaling through the nose does give you a slightly better reabsorption rate but it makes it harder to smell if your room is getting dank.

    But I'm assuming you have weed, but nothing to really smoke it with now. You might already know this but you can make bongs, pipes, just about anything to smoke with using just a plastic bottle and something to use as a bowl(socket wrench bit(My personal fave), tinfoil(I don't like this one but it works), etc.)
    You can even make your own ghetto style vaporizer using a lightbulb, there are tutorials on youtube.
    Oh, and yes vaping has a weaker smell and the smell doesn't last as long but it is still there. Blowing out a window has worked for me for years, but I'm pretty sure my family didn't know what weed smelled like so that helped. Another thing that helps is buying candles or incense but that could be a red flag if you've never been into that stuff before, but you'd know better than me if you could pull it off.
    If you're serious about not getting caught you can buy activated carbon from a fish store/pet store/Amazon and blow the smoke through something with that in it, that shit will kill the smell and everything else in the smoke dead, works the best in my experience.

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