So damn bored.

Discussion in 'General' started by MulaMitch, Sep 26, 2010.

  1. Well this point of my life has to be the most boring and because of that almost depressing.

    I sit around and play games. That is it. I go to college online, horrid idea. I need to get a part time job or something. I am so sick of just sitting in my house. When I do go out I will go over to my friends and smoke some weed. Damn, I need to leave this state. /Rant.
  2. Start playing a sport every day.
  3. learn to make the friends come to you... buy a mini fridge and a microwave and stock ur room with hotpockets. life will get better
  4. #4 Stoogemeister, Sep 26, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 26, 2010
    watch the free UFC 119 prelims tonight at 9. I know im gonna be one high mutha fucka watching that shit, sipping on my tea.

    and yes i have hotpockets too. who do you think i am anyway?!

    edit: but for long term..i dunno just get out man. Get a dog, walk that dog. Run around your town, join a local gym or something. Just anything that makes you feel good and is active and shit. My buddies are all off to college so im feelin what you said, but honestly you just gotta do you. ya know?

    I seriously suggest working out. If anything it will just make you feel good, and feel better. and its hella good for you sonny
  5. We're all bored once in a while, I'm bored right now :)

    Tomorrow I'll be bored aswell :p

    But I know a few things that can make the boredom seem more tolerable:smoke:

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