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So clusters of trichromes means mold?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Tripple A, Oct 6, 2010.

  1. Just wondering. I looked at the pictures of mold on pot thread and I am determining whether or not my bud has mold on it. I smoked some last night, and my left lung hurt pretty badly every time i would inhale a breathe of air. I do not smoke cigs, so that's not the case.

    Peace :wave:
  2. Trichomes and mold are totally different things. Im sort of confused. Yea it sounds like your weed is moldy, so if I where you i wouldnt smoke it. Trichomes are good. If you see a lot of trichomes, it's good weed. If you see any mold, thats not good
  3. yeah, sorry for not explaining. Just the weed i have has a lot of trichromes, like usually since all we have around here is dank. But, in some areas there are a lot of white bunched together, but its really really small, so it doesn't look like a big deal. I just don't want a lung infection 'cause i want to smoke tonight.
  4. Hello there! Ify about your bud? Afraid there might be mold?Well,if your down like a clown ch-ch-charlie brown then read this:
    "It’s always advisable to not smoke marijuana with mold, however those that are willing to take the risk are advised to bake their marijuana in a oven on 300 degrees for 15 minutes to eliminate some common forms of mold. While on the subject of baking marijuana, it is important to note that most mold is far more dangerous when ingested than inhaled, which means you should be extra careful of mold when putting marijuana into edible treats. Filtering smoke through a water pipe or bong does not prevent you from inhaling mold, although some sources say it can help reduce about 15% of the mold."

    What You Should Know About Mold Issues on Marijuana | Spark Report

    and remember..use a bong :bongin::hippie:
  5. All this shit about mold is scaring me. There really ought to be a sticky with pictures and stuff on how to identify mold.
  6. Lol my bad man i guess i wasnt reading to clearly my b.:smoking:
  7. mold looks kinda spider webie. It is much larger then the crystals. I had it on mine before and it looked like white dots then turned into larger spider webs
  8. Yeah I've heard it has a kinda spider web appearance...But there are different types of mold so a pic would help.

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