So, about the posting pictures thing..

Discussion in 'Forum Tech Questions, Problems and Troubleshooting' started by spincut, Jan 15, 2014.

  1. That's what you think. 

  2. #22 Lizard King, Jan 16, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2014
    No need to do that . In fact uploading them to Grasscity is safer.
    Grasscity is hosted on Holland where as Imgur and other sites are hosted USA. Holland protects privacy of its citizens  and companies way way more then USA. So your images will be safer on Grasscity servers ;)
    Additionally Forum attachments has no function to retrieve GPRS data from images ;)
  3. That's actually exactly what I thought you would say :p
  4. I know. 
  5. #25 SpungeBong, Feb 4, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2014
    I was just thinking about this and came across this thread
    maybe GC should have a server side script that removes all EXIF tags during the process of when a photo is uploaded as an attachment, it's understandable to be paranoid especially if you have grow-ops going on.
    this doesn't just apply to iPhones or even smartphones, but many digital cameras also store GPS information of where the picture was taken. the feds like it a lot so I doubt it is as optional as some may like to believe on the iPhone
    the best thing you can do is take a screenshot of your saved picture, paste it into paint and then save that. no chance of any EXIF or other internal data being available on the internet.
    edit: nevermind, just saw the post above
  6. we all do in the uk pick up threadthen again we're hard motherfuckers :lol:
  7. i can understand being careful with grow ops but just a bit of bud theyre not gonna track you down are they really lol

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