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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by SmokeNinja, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. Well with up to 18" of snow tonight and tomorrow ive called off work, picked up and eighth of Sweet Kush and its time to barricade myself in my room with my xbox and Biohazard Bong:D! Who else is being effected by the storm and how ya'll passin the time?

  2. im in chicago and were getting hit with a blizzard, im gunna get blazed as hell for 2 days and play black ops and madden
  3. haha man are you in maine?

  4. Detroit
  5. I'm here right across the border from Detroit in Windsor :) Should be getting snowed in any minute now:hello:
  6. if only i had bought before the snow hit!! i have to resort to AVB and kief
  7. Well, y'all spark an extra bowl for me. I'm down in Austin and we're getting some of the coldest weather we've seen (bout 20 or so tonight), with some FREEZING wind, but that's about all.

    Lemme tell you though, riding my bike was a bitch in the wind, guess i'm pulling out the old Jeep for tomorrow.
  8. We didn't get snow yet but its been freezing rain the whole day and you cant even walk on the grass because its all ice. I think we got like an inch of ice last night
  9. In Idaho, might snow on Saturday, hoping I still got my weed by then
  10. In Connecticut, should be getting freezing rain tonight. An inch of freezing rain is going to be a mess lol
  11. Im on the other side of the country, I snowboard a lot and I am praying for snow, send some this way guys!!! it snowed once in the past week and is going to be cold and sunny for 2 more weeks arrrrgggghhhhhhh:mad:
  12. thats the only reason I like maine POWDER FROM HEAVEN

  13. Hell yeah man. I'm hunkering down to MW2, Zeppelin, and some Platinum Kush.
  14. Come chill in canada and you'll find out what real cold is like.

    woke up this morning to -34 C = -29.2 F
    with wind chill= -42 C = -43.2 F (btw, can anyone explain why freezing for C is 0 and freezing for F is 32... but yet when its -40 C its -40 F?!?)

  15. Its just the point where they meet up, celsius goes up slower then fahrenhiet, therefore, it gets hotter faster
  16. Yeah man I have no class tomorrow but my circumstances are not so good :confused_2:
  17. It's hitting Illinois pretty damn hard I actually drove in this shit a couple hours ago it was insane. Unfortunately nothing to smoke for the next couple days so the gf and I will just be watching a ton of LOST on instant Netflix. Someone smoke one for me, haha.
  18. Minnesota here.
    No sympathy for any of you.
    It's flippin' cold here too.
  19. snowed in here in missouri, no bud, snow up passed my knees, and no way to even get out of my driveway. really attackin the cigarettes now :eek:
  20. We didn't get snow yet but its been freezing rain the whole day and you cant even walk on the grass because its all ice. I think we got like an inch of ice last night

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