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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by morpheus, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. Although I am in college, going online to see that my classes have been cancelled for the day makes me really happy. I feel like a little kid when my dad would come in and tell me to get up for school, but then say "look out the window" and I would, and I would then realize it was most definitely a snow day.

    Snow days were different back then. Today I plan on smoking all day long in my chillout room. My chillout room happens to be my grow room, which is located in the attic of my garage, about 2 football fields from my house. Time to start dog sledding =D.
  2. I never had that luxury during childhood. No one ever cancelled school except when it was -20 F. But college, what a turn around.
  3. LOL this is the 5th time this year this specific class has been cancelled, I love it.
  4. don't you miss that as a kid? that comfortable feeling of not giving a fuck about anything?

    now i'm all grown up and being a grown up sucks :mad:
  5. Totally man
    Last december I woke up on a monday and the snow was insane outside. Like 1 meter deep. It just kept snowing all month so we got around 2 weeks off college. Only bummer was I need to take a 20mile journey to pick up my ganjamohol so this Q of some kind of kush needed to last me 1.5 weeks, because we were snowed in. But it was all good - so easy to conserve bud for me.
  6. What school do you go to Morpheus?
  7. Too bad Pitt never cancels classes...
  8. Ahh snow sucks man!

    People got things to do, people to see, well the roads aren't too bad today.

    Yesterday i got off work at 9, my car was burried, the road back home was pure hell, i didn't even spark up my "end of the day bowl" cause i couldn't manage, fuck the snow.

    I even spun out, thank goodness some very nice people came to my rescue!!!! or i would have been fucked.
  9. 2 hour delays here. Back in my childhood there was never a snow day in Iceland.
  10. I grew up in Miami. Needless to say the thought of a snow day was laughable. We did get a week off every few years when some hurricane decided to wreck shit
  11. Living in Ohio where no one ever learns how to deal with snow properly, we get snow days pretty frequently in the winter. I'd say on average about 3 every year. And I go to college 10 miles from where I lived, so college snow days are the same too.

    But why not go out and make your snow day exciting? This year, some friends and I built a giant igloo and then smoked a blunt inside after we had finished.
  12. Growing up in socal we never got snow days :(

    I wouldn't really want a class to be canceled because if the class is canceled our professors expect us to know the material he/she would of covered.
  13. did you miss the class where they taught everyone that "would of" is not a correct phrase? it's "would HAVE".

    it's blizzarding this morning here in Canada too.. woke up to an e-mail saying classes were cancelled :hello: wakin and bakin with my DBV :smoke:

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