Doe anyone else here think the idea of rolling balls and snowboarding sounds like a SICK idea?! I mean, if I thought it was crazy before trying rails and other shit that I never have before, imagine rolling. I would have so much energy and convidence, I could see myself pull at 900mctwisty to frontside nose slide on my first rail lmao! I could see it being bad as in me trying a 900 or something when I really cant, and end up breaking my arm hahaha. Anyone done this or gonna try it this year? Cant wait
Sounds like it could be a good time. I'd be willing to give it a shot this season. I'm pretty sure you'll sweat out your entire high though wearing all your gear. I've sweat out a high that should have lasted all night in about 2 hours giving light shows. So I guess it probably wouldn't be worth the money.
why would u waste a roll on snowbaording...if u want to be all speedy and shit while snowboarding do some coke...not rolls