
Discussion in 'General' started by Rnorris, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. Anyone else here on grasscity get hit by the massive amounts of snow over the midwest? It's the third biggest snowstorm in Chicago history, and most of the schools that were cancelled today are cancelled tomorrow! At least in Lake and McHenry counties. Perfect time to smoke, huh?:smoke:
  2. Yeah it was brutal man. Im up in Lemont, DuPage county and we got rocked! I hate snow its such a pain in the ass! gonna be -20 with the wind chill tionight. Im about to head to work deliverin pizzas. hope people feel sorry for me and give some fat tips:rolleyes:

  3. That's horrible man. Haha, and i'm sure the roads will be even worse tonight because they'll probably be icy as hell. Stay safe dude
  4. Yup, I fucking hate snow. Hate it.

    I've only been living around snow for about 4 years and I really need to get an AWD car because my FWD just isn't cuttin the mustard. Need to get a snow blower too because I'm sick of shoveling it out of my driveway.

    Fuck snow.

  5. It fucking sucks. I had to shovel all of it outta my driveway. Unpleasant
  6. Well the snow was decent for money. I made 100 in tips pluss my hourly and some dude smoked me up when I dropped of his pizza and gave a fat tip.
  7. oklahoma got it pretty bad here, been outta work for a couple days now!
  8. lol.

    :) if i was one of you, i could like go outside, scoop it into my bong, and light it.because i could.because i can.and just light it in the fucking street.fuck you all im smoking
    have you ever tried it seeing as you get snow?

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