snorkler pipe??

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by chuckiez, Oct 10, 2010.

  1. anyone made one i just saw one in a movie and want one

  2. i like this thread already!!

    This needs to be made!!
  3. its from good luck chuck but now i gotta find a snorkler and some kinda bowl
  4. its from alot of movies before that.... half baked mentioned it with the mcguyver smoker.
    [ame=""]YouTube - MacGyver Kiffer[/ame]
  5. dude i have no idea what they said
  6. man yeah i have one but its nothing special. lol
  7. Back when I was a lifegaurd me and my homie made one, we thouht it was genius and some crackhead saw us hittin it aftr the pool closed and he flipped shit and was like 'lemme hit that shit mo fucker'.

    It's really a let down but if you put alot of time in the crafting it could probably turn out real useful.

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