Snoop Dogg Gpen vaporizer

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by Calm Palm Tree, Jun 2, 2015.

  1. Anybody have one?
    Heard of it?
    What are your thoughts about it. I just got one last night.
    It is a beautiful piece but im not into it, just my opinion . 

  2. Total crap.
  3. Complete garbage, doesnt vaporize
  4. Piece of shit.
  5. Doody !!
  6. A festering pile of rancid poo.
  7. A beautiful piece.... Lol
  8. i left mine in Oregon in the fire we had at the party the night before i left for home. buh bye. i got it for a good price but it was still a fucking rip off because i didn't use it but a handful of times. if i sat there huffing and puffing on it for 15 minutes i might get a head change. then if i tried to get any higher i just greened out. no one liked it at all.
    i went and got a pack of RAWs. problem solved [​IMG]
  9.  Hope ya didn't give up on vapes just because of your bad experience with the GPen.
  10. nope.
    crap. anything from grenco science is just rebrande china crap.
  12. wow.
    thanks for all the input lol.
    I dont even like it that much, already broke anyways .
    it just looks nice.
    Once a grenco customer, never again a grenco customer! My micro g was shit, and I never went back.

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