Sniffing Seats in Coffee Shops

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by CanadianLady420, Aug 30, 2011.

  1. Repressed memory

    My brother used to do this when he was about 5 years old

    I remember people would get out of a seat in Tim Horton's and my brother would walk over and sniff their seat. This was back in the day when the seats were connected to the table.

    I just puked in my mouth.
  2. why would you do this to me? :(
  3. Anybody know what OP is on? Judging by this thread, your signature.

    False alarm. She's just from Canada.
  4. WHY :(, oh god MY CEREAL IS USELESS NOW :mad:

  5. LOL My head flaps too when I talk.
  6. well things could be much worse for the kids that may still have that unique "butt sensual?" habit these days.

    but this time there might be a little more left behind.
  7. I can smell crayons when I think of preschool
  8. shit, bro. recently all I can think of are those scented erasers I used to have when I was a kid. potent as fuck.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Ugh... this thread brought back memories of youth...
    The kindergarten rooms always smelled like they'd just been cleaned, because they had...
    Because someone either shit or pissed in them NEARLY EVERY FUCKING DAY.
    (Grade ... 6, I think, we had kindergarten book-buddies... what a year...)

    (The worst times were when someone had abused the room, and no one had yet cleaned it, so you could smell... shit... and a room full of filthy kids)
  10. no joke there was this asian kid in middle school that loved the smell of scented markers so much he would completely color under his nose with them so like from his nose to upper lip would be totally saturated with ink so he could smell them all the time.

    many lulz spent on that. shit i lold typing it
  11. Damn good old days when I would have eraser war in class. Rip up little pieces and throw it at ppls face lmao.
  12. lol that's disgusting. Hopefully he stopped doing it when he was 5.

    I'm sure theres grown men who are pervs and do the same thing. Google chair sniffing porn and i'm sure something will come up lol
  13. I'm an anosmiac


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