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Sniffing it out?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Snux, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. Has anyone been outside their house and smelled really strong weed from a neighbor not too far off? This happened to me the other day, and now I randomly go outside hoping to find the source and make a new stoner friend.
    Any of you have similar experiences?

    Edit: I live in the suburbs.
  2. Keep in mind that commercial growers also rent houses in the burbs to convert into grow houses...
    If it doesn't smell like burning weed don't approach anybody..
    Just lookin' out.
  3. It definitely smells like burnt weed, but thanks for the insight ^_^
  4. yeah, one time i followed the scent. they saw me and ran away... it made me sad because i had my bowl and some herb on me... i just wanted to smoke with them :(

    and i didnt see there faces so i don't know what neighbor it was. it was back in the woods too, so i don't know who it was at all.
  5. when i see people driving next to me and i can tell they're smoking, i just wanna roll down the window and invite them to smoke with me. :cool:
  6. I do try to smoke with other people when I see them (doesn't happen too often though).

    But it is understandable that they are probably weary. Especially so if they are novices :bolt:
  7. Smell it all the time! But they're not really friendly around these parts so no chance of randomly making a new mate.

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