**SNEEZE!**....."God Bless You!"

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by Echoes of Floyd, Jun 12, 2011.

  1. #1 Echoes of Floyd, Jun 12, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 12, 2011
    What's up City :wave: how's it going?

    Alright so you've all heard it. "God Bless You" right after someone sneezes. And you seem obliged to give a 'thank you' back.

    But why?

    This whole entire phrase started because people 'literally' thought that person was 'possessed by demons/devil', or sneezing out their soul........

    TODAY WE KNOW THIS IS NOT THE CASE.....I DON'T NEED TO BE BLESSED?! hahaha I don't know. For some reason it's been geeking me out.

    lol my family is 100% Catholic, I went to a Catholic school since 6th grade. And everytime someone sneezes, there's an immediate 'God bless you'. And about a year ago I sneezed during dinner, "God bless you", from my Mom, and for some reason. I just responded, and my mom is so chill, "Mom, why do even say God Bless you? Do you even know the meanings behind it". And she really didn't know how to respond.

    Most people just say this phrase because they were born into it. And never even considered the phrase once.....

    I'm definitely not an atheist. And not judging anybody. And do not take offense whatsoever when somebody says "God Bless You" to me. I would also love to hear if any atheist on this site say anything when somebody sneezes? Or if sometimes you fuck up and say "God, bless you to somebody" :smoke:

    I don't know Blades....am I the only one here who has thoughts about this???

    Why not say something when somebody farts? Burps? Coughs? etc.....A fart especially sounds like a demon coming out of your ass.....

    About 4 years ago I met my best friend's Grandma from California, when somebody sneeze's she says "stardust" to them. hahahah :p I loved it for some reason. And I myself say 'stardust' to my best friend when he sneezes, and a bunch of other random people. Awesome fucking G-ma :bongin:

    But what are your guys opinions on this subject? Why "God bless you", why do we need any blessings??? What do you Blades say when somebody sneezes? Do you guys say anything?

    P.S. Hammered on Flying Dog Raging Bitch & mad bowl sessions. Will edit tomorrow. Much love ;)

    GOD BLESS YOU :wave:
  2. first of all, flying dog is the shit. snake dog IPA sittin in front of me right now

    secondly, are you sure youre right about the origin of "bless you" as a response to sneezes?

    i logically came to my own conclusion that it musta been because prior to modern medicine a common cold could be the first sign of looming death

  3. Habit? It's how we have dealt with someone sneezing. Just because something used to mean something, doesn't mean the modern day accepted definition is the same. I certainly don't think someone sneezed out a demon if I say god bless you or gesundheit, just courtesy and something to fill up a bit of time.
  4. i think im gonna start a new trend..

    whenever people sneeze im gonna make a fart sound with my tongue/lips
  5. Lmao, good luck with that one bro.
  6. Instead of God bless you, we should say you look beautiful today.

    Someone better get it...
  7. Is there a deeper meaning to why that grandma uses the word stardust?

    What bugs me are people who get pissed if they sneeze and no one says bless you to them. Maybe i'm the only weirdo but sometimes when i sneeze i don't want to be acknowledged, as i may have a booger hanging from my nose or something.

    Also, what do you guys do when you say bless you to someone after they sneezed, but then they keep sneezing over and over again? Like my friend would hypersneeze like 10 times in a row. That's a lot of god bless you's.
  8. I think the next time I sneeze in public I'm going to say "God bless myself, and may he bless all of you as well" just to see if people look at me weird :smoke:
  9. oh, God bless you for sneezing all over my tv.

    God bless you for sneezing all over my face.

    God bless you for sneezing everywhere.

    i dont think it deserves gods blessing if you ask me
  10. *sneeze*

  11. That's what I always thought it came from. In that sense, it's a very compassionate thing to say.

    But these days it seems we just do it because that's what's done... to seem polite.


    But I think it's , "You're so good lookin'." Better than 'God bless you' atanyrate.

    Well, we're all 'made of' stardust... so maybe some of it got in your nose and made you sneeze. ;)

    Yeah, I've never felt obligated to say something when someone sneezes... and I especially don't say 'thank you' if someone says 'God bless you' so they don't feel obligated to worry about me unnecessarily... plus I'm an atheist heathen, so if anything I exclaim angrily, "WHO?!" ;)

    An old friend of mine used to always say, "God bless you, my child." :laughing:

    But it's like Carlin said... saying 'God bless you' is just like saying 'good luck.' It's a hollow statement. God knows if you need blessings or not... God doesn't wonder about how you're feeling after you sneeze. God's omnipotent and shit. :)
  12. Exactly, most people say this phrase because it's considered being "polite"

    But why?

    Blessing someone who does not need to be blessed?

    Next time I sneeze and someone says, "God bless you", I'm gonna freak out and say "WHAT DID I DO WRONG!?! :eek:" :smoke:

    I have no idea the meaning to where my friends Grandma started using "stardust', I'm sure it's something related to what Perpetual Burn said the post above me. ^

    Sometimes I say to my closest friend "God NOT Bless you" when they sneeze :p

    To 'UpFromtheSkies', I cannot say I'm 100% sure of the origins, but I've had a numerous amount of people tell me this + some websites. But who knows. But what I do know is, I'm not dying and in need of no blessing :smoke: & Flying Dog all the time. I can't get enough of the stuff. I still have 2 more I need to try before I've tasted them all. :yummy:
  13. I use the german equiv

    Gesundheit (ge-zunt-hiit)

    It translates to Good health makes more sense then bless you and if people aren't of any religion it isn't like they can get mad I am wishing good health upon them

  14. Yeah, it does make more sense than 'God, bless you'.

    But still, why are you wishing someone good health?

    I would consider "Gesundheit/Good Health" if someone is in the hospital or sick.

    Just doesn't make sense. Today.
  15. I heard people say god bless you after a sneeze because your heart stops and it skips a beat.

    Is that true or is it just a myth or something?
  16. I heard the demon possesion origin aswell.

    I don't mind it, I say it all the time it's just a habit now, and I'm not even religious.

    My sister always blesses herself. She says "bless me, god bless me" every time she sneezes. It weirds me out, and is pretty annoying honestly.
  17. Why does this bother so many people? Can't we sometimes just say something nice and not have someone, somewhere be like "DERP THAT ANNOYED ME SO NOW I'M GOING TO INFORM YOU ALL ABOUT HOW THAT COMMENT ANNOYED ME".


    Dangit I hate polite people, trying to reference religion or damn Nazism around me.(Because only Nazis speak German ... :laughing: )
  18. That's what I was just saying to myself. :confused_2:
  19. #20 Echoes of Floyd, Jun 13, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 13, 2011
    Lol it's not annoying me, it seems like it annoying you than it is me. It just makes no sense..... that's all. And many people here agree. :confused_2: Why do you 'think' your being polite by saying God Bless You?!? That makes 0 sense. If anything, it could be considered offensive because I don't need any damn blessings, get your blessings away from me! I do believe in GOD, but God does not judge anyone, or blesses them for a pathetic sneeze :D

    This isn't about being polite, it's about being born into a phrase that you have no idea what it means, or why you say it. But you do it anyways, because your parents want you too :)

    God Bless You

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