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Sneaky Smoking Inside?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by superstoner1324, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. Hello everyone. So I'm 18, senior year, living with parents still and I find it tough to toke in the house when they're living here lol. Currently, I use either a pipe or a makeshift bong in the bathroom. (No way I can use a joint, too much smoke and bongs are more efficient.) Also I use a sploof made with toilet paper sprayed like shit with cologne lol which seems to work decently. I can blow into the fan also sometimes. It seems to be working, havent gotten caught yet, any other precautions I can take? Thanks guys :stoned:
  2. There are so many topics like this v.v..
  3. if you have a window you can also just take the screen off at night and sit and smoke by it. then just stick your head out the window and blow the smoke out. thats what i used to do.
  4. yes why not just use the window in your bedroom.
  5. You sound like you've got a good system. I burn incense all the time and for me and my usage it absorbs the smell efficiently and thoroughly. But I guess incense is suspicious to some people. It wasn't to my parents when I lived at home. This was a post in a thread about this a few weeks ago and it sounds like a good tool if you don't have many options:

  6. Just like every other post today like this, i will post:

    Magic Flight Launch Box (MFLB)

    Best portable vape hands down, fucking love this thing, can take hits in my room then parents walk in and dont smell anything.

  7. Switch your sploof stuffing to dryer sheets.
    I'm in the same situation as you but I'd be more concerned with where you keep your stash, bong, etc..

    Try to beef up your security on your stuff before you worry about being sneaky.
    think about it, you only actually smoke the weed for a few minutes at a time, while your weed and paraphernalia are at risk of being found 24/7.

    I'm pretty high right now, sorry if I rambled.
  8. I Light incense and/or candles, turn the fan on, open windows, and use a sploof. Incense work really well to cover up the smell, especially the hand-dipped ones!

    My dad walked in 15-30 seconds after I exhaled a hit with incense, fan on, and window open and it didn't smell at all! My room is pretty small so I only need to light one.
  9. ampedd has the right idea, the stealth factor is increased so much more by switching to vapor
  10. you could buy a smoke buddy.

    Smokebuddy Personal Air Filter

    other then that, theres not much u can do except look for alternative places to smoke. i just open up a window and spray febreeze. try to blow the smoke out the window. but really no matter what your parents will smell it if they walk in your room.

    incense works better then febreeze in my opinion.

    or focus on preventing your parents from going in your room. I got in the habit of asking my mom if theres anything that needs to be done. So she doesnt come in my room and ask while im smoking.

    so basically let them talk to you outside of your room, so they dont go inside your room.

    also i noticed the best time to smoke is 20 minutes after your parents have been in your room, because there less likely to come in like 3 times within 10 mins.

    just basic probability. come up with your own strategy. perfect it over time.
  11. hey im impressed. smokebuddy.
  12. I just open the window and point fan outward. Blow smoke at fan and boom, no smelly smelly.
  13. ya true, spraying febreeze or incense does make it more suspicious. lucky for me though, i dont have to hide it, because my mom doesnt care. But i still prefer if she doesnt know.
  14. I tried this the other day and it worked fine, no smell. Whenever I took a hit I immediately put it out and then I would exhale into a water bottle. I had a straw going into the water. There was no smell, and to be extra safe I would spray Febreeze after each exhale.
  15. meh i have just stoped carring i just use a sploof nothing more with my 12 in bong or bubbler never smoke joints parents ok with me smoking weed to just have to hide it from my brother
  16. I may take this a little too far,
    But in my case im 16 and live with my dad and step mom so I have like a stacked like plastic shelf thing and i made a sploof out of a gatorade bottle and dryer sheets with socks taped around the end and i put old clothes i dont wear around it in the plastic shelf thing. And then I smoke out of a bong where i load only one hit so no smoke comes out of the bowl and then exhale into the sploof no smoke at all.
  17. lol and swing the ban hammer bro your screwed
  18. funny, when i used a sploof there was a shiton of smoke...

    anyways peace out bru
  19. get a MFLB
  20. Ozium spray, most under-rated stealth smoking necessity. One little spray and your room smells like pine-sol.

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