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Smoking with the flu. Yay or Nay

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ThinkingPothead, Nov 12, 2014.

  1. So I have a terrible flu. I was feeling awful last night. I feel better tonight but I still have that bad overall feeling. So, I haven't smoked because of that reason. I'm wondering if I will be feeling better when I get high. So, what do you guys think? I know for a fact some of you guys have already done it
  2. I'd do it

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  3. It's worth a shot. I've done it before and it didn't make me feel any worse
  4. If you can get the smoke in you I guess you'll feel better , but use baby tokes as I'm guessing it will kill your throat.
  5. Man anytime I'm really sick like that I don't even feel like getting up let alone smoking. I've actually tried to smoke weed when sick with a bad cold or flu and it's never made it past a puff that probably made me feel like I wanted to puke anyway.
    Seriously more power to ya if you could. It seems like a good idea, but from personal experience I've always just felt too shitty to do it anytime I've tried.
  6. Ive done it cause id rather feel stoned then feel like im sick
  7. #7 SoCalToker, Nov 13, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 13, 2014
    Smoking/vaping while sick is a great way to turn a cold/flu into a cold/flu with bronchitis. Stick with edibles or just take a 5 day tolerance break.
  8. Weed helps me get the rest I need when I am sick.
  9. #9 moonmaggot420, Nov 13, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 13, 2014
    I had it last week I felt like shit had a drug test today for a job so I was not wanting to smoke but I finally came through and smoked it made me feel better :bongin:  :hello:  I did fail the THC part of the drug test she looked at me and said "not at work right? I said no just after a long day. She had me fill out papers and I got the job :bongin:  :hello:  :metal:

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