Smoking with Pets?

Discussion in 'Pets' started by breakdanzer, Aug 1, 2011.

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  1. My dog always comes to visit and chill when I toke haha. She's a mad chill dog in general
  2. Cant talk about getting animals high.

  3. Weird.

    The last I heard, it takes an absolute shit ton to kill them. Like, >1 pound. And if youre giving your dog that much weed.... Shit man, dog foods cheaper
  4. Haha never said I got my dog high she just chills with me when i smoke
  5. Yea my pit bull makes the desicion. Not too cuz the one and only time I tried it he barked in my face and led the room and anytime I blaze he won't sit near me no matter how hard i try to make him sit by me, but as soon as I put the bud away he comes right bam over to me, so yea I think he chooses to stay above the influence lol
  6. I think most people are talking about getting high while their pet is around you, not so much as to blowing smoke in their face (why would you blow smoke into anyones face?)

  7. I have no idea how much it takes.. The office she works in is in the hood. So she gets a lot of Pit Bulls in that have Marijuana toxicity.

  8. ^That just screams "my owner is a grower" haha
  9. My avatar says all.
  10. I love petting my cat while high :) he feels so fuzzy and cool!
  11. Never have, never will...Do it in my presence and I'll hit you with something, this thread is also against the rules.:cool:
  12. I love getting high and playing with my dog, he always feels so god damn soft hahah
  13. Whenever I smoke I bring my cats on the porch with me and we all get high as shit. Ill usually smoke a bowl and then say to my cats "We're going to get high as fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and then ill pour a ton of catnip on the floor. I'll finish smoking while they roll around in the catnip getting smacked.
  14. I got a yorkie (was my sister but the little bugger latched on to me) his names Bert. He always checks out my sack ha

    I also have two ducks whose names are cheech and chong funny as hell to smoke with but one time cheech saw my loaded bowl layers with Kief and fucking ate it I was so pissed

  15. Are you sure the thread is against the rules? He specifically said NOT to get your pets high, but to just have them around while your high for companionship. It's some of the replies that are against the rules.:(
  16. #37 Adelmas, Aug 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 1, 2011
    One time I was vaping in my room, and my cat got up and started sniffing around, and he inhaled some of the vapor. (I did not blow it in his face or force him to do it, he got up and ran in the cloud of vapor and stayed there lol). Then a few minutes later he jumped on his cat tree and he was chillin. I went to pet him and he was so playful... he would try to claw/bite my hand every time lol (he wasnt being aggressive if thats what ur thinking). He seemed to enjoy it though. Oh yeah then he ate all his food xD
  17. We all know how this will end, although I will admit I didn't even bother to read the thread...And now that I have my response would be somewhat different. However, the part about the rules would still remain...These types of threads never will fly, haven't flown since I've been here, and always end up deleted.:cool:
  18. My parents yorkie.. But he annoys the shit out of me.. Used to smoke him out, but quit a few years back, hes pushin on 12 soon lol.
  19. #40 Lanqe, Aug 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    I have a Lon hair one and I love him!!!

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