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Smoking with head out window

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Tim510, Aug 10, 2012.

  1. I can't go outside cause my parents crashed in the living room. I'm thinking about facing a fan out the window and smoke with my head sticking out, and even exhaling through a sploof. Do you think my room will still smell, I am not trying to get caught again.
  2. Well if ur upstairs just take a hot shower with the window open easy as that they wot smell it. If you have a vent turn that on to
  3. if they are asleep then who cares? nah just use a sploof. that should be good.
  4. i do this all the time at my friends house in his bathroom

  5. My friend got caught smoking with his sploof, kinda hesitant to just smoke with the sploof in my room.
  6. Nope, you'll be fine
  7. blow through the sploof AND out a window. problemo solved-o

  8. Yeah, that's what i'm planning to do. Thanks you guys.
  9. face a fan out the window(one with blades) and smoke a BOWL directly behind it, blowing your smoke into the back of the fan. joints/blunts will add to the smell.
  10. I used to do this and my parents never smelt anything, the only time they caught me was because they come up regarding something else. I used to just take my screen off, open my window and put my entire head out, with my bowl and smoke. After I finished, I would put the screen on and keep the window open for 5 or 10 min. I never used a fan, a spoof or any febreeze.

  11. lol that made me laugh
  12. put a wet towel under at the door and hotbox the bathroom take a hot shower then turn on the vents and open a window and your home free!!
  13. Buy a gasmask filter.... BUY IT! Works amazingly... no smelln no smoke... at all!

  14. I don't have a window in my bathroom.
  15. man who wants to break their neck trying to enjoy a smoke?

    Just go outside

  16. Vents work great also.
  17. I'm clearly way less cautious than most people but all I do is stick my head out of the window and blow the smoke out.
    Haven't been caught yet :/
  18. Smoking with my head out worked great, and I feel like the sploof made it worse so I just stopped using it. No smell at all.
  19. When I was living with my parents, I just took my screen off, loaded a bowl that i could clear in one hit, and stick the bong and my head out the window and hit it, blowing the smoke away from the window to the side, and when I was done just bring the bong back in, close the window, and chill out. Worked wonders, no sploof, fan, towel, nothing!
  20. It depends what you're smoking out of. If I don't want to reek my room up, I just load up as much weed as I think I'll be able to snap and then blow the smoke out the window

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