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smoking with family?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by topmid, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. do you guys smoke with any family members? i know my parents don't smoke and my brother is 17 but i don't think he smokes or has even tried it. but i wish i could smoke with him because it gets lonely at home smoking alone but i'm too scared to ask him if he wants to. i've never even smoked with any cousins or uncles or anything...if you toke or have toked with your mom or dad, that's pretty cool.
  2. I smoke with my dad and his girlfriend (who is pretty much my stepmother), my mom, my older (and only) brother, and my aunt (on my mom's side). It's pretty awesome!
  3. I smoke with my older brother :D he's the person who got me in to marijuana, so I thank him for that
  4. My brother, he is 2 years older than I am [he turned 51 in september and I turned 49 in october]
  5. I smoked some insane, crazy red hair shit in Costa Rica with my dad. Turns out he was a proper stoner back in the day. Weren't all our dads? In america at least.
  6. No, my parents would never, but my sister might... I just don't have the balls to ask.
  7. Oh for sure, I smoke with my brother, since he's usually the one that hooks me up when I can't get a hold of my dealer, my dad I smoke with on special occasions, he's got the best weed I've ever tried, refuses to hook me up though, greedy bastard, and mum doesn't smoke, but she's accepted that the rest of the family does and will hook me up with dads good shit when everyones out of town, :cool:
  8. Only other family member that smokes is my FIL. He's way cool, grows his own (legally) and it floors us every time we see him. Sadly living so far away makes it harder to get together than any of us would like...
  9. i smoke with cousins but that's about it
  10. My sister and im yet to smoke with my cousins they all burn :hello:
  11. My parents don't smoke, neither do my older brothers. But two of my uncles that I usually see on every major holiday are druggies. And one of them has cancer so he smokes all day. I usually smoke a joint with them every time they come over.
  12. i smoke with my cousin, but just found out by my mom that some other cousins that drink all the time also toke so im yet to smoke with them, but that would definatly be sweet...

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