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Smoking with a teacher/lecturer

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by PapaBearAds, Dec 28, 2012.

  1. Hi guys I'm just curious as to whether anyone else has ever had a smoke with one of their teachers before. I know a couple guys who go to University to study Music and have lecturers who blaze with them fairly regularly, which is pretty radical! They tell me that some of them even deal to them sometimes, but im not sure if I believe them...

    I have had one such experience with a lecturer. I was at a music festival this summer and I just so happened to bump into one of my Business lecturers whilst toking on a fat blunt. We got to chatting which felt mega weird, but he was a totally chill guy. He asked me if I was going to pass him the dooby... I handed it to him and kept on chatting away. At the end of the conversation he asked if I wanted any unmentionables.... I swiftly told him I dont touch that shit and went back to my tent. Funnily enough the guy never returned this semester, that could have been real awkward....

    So what about you guys? Have you maybe been in a lesson and had a teacher that looked blazed? Please share!!
  2. Reminds me of Donald Sutherland in Animal House.
  3. hell yeah man, i had this experience with my physics teacher at university. he was a really cool guy and made physics the most fun subject that year. he was also very open about himself, taught us about trippy aspects of physics, and often discussed other branches of science he was interested in and it came down to him talking about weed and how he was totally cool with it. so one time i decided to go out and smoke a J (of dank shit i might add :smoking:) at night out by the university's library which was deserted at the time, about one hour before it was closed and my physics professor walked by and saw me smoking. i was already mad blazed off the few hits i took so i didn't see him, but he walked up to me and told me i shouldn't be smoking out here because i could get caught. i was totally blazed so the first thing that came out of my mouth was "you want a hit?" i had the most shit-eating grin on and said "c'mon man no one ever comes around here now" i totally didn't expect it but he took the J from me and took one of the chief-iest hits i've ever seen. my mind was beyond blown seeing my professor smoking on my dank shit and passing it back to me. i kind of just took it back, took a hit and we just looked at each other like "dude i'm fuckin' high" and i passed it back to him. i was too high for it to hit me that i had just killed my J with my physics prof. who i looked up to. i flicked the roach in a bush and my prof looks at me and says with a grin "i need to sit down" so we go in the library and i can't remember how, but we had a really mind-bending talk about physics and weed and just everything and i don't think i'll ever forget it. it was fucking sweet dude, never thought i'd actually tell the tale :p
  4. Im an art student and im pretty sure most of the faculty smoke weed or at least did in the past. i have made it my goal to see how many i can blaze with before i graduate. so far 1 down, about 20 to go!
  5. I am out of high school. But a few months ago i smoked with my 8th grade English teacher. She was a bitch but i gained allot of respect for her. Her and her husband are legit old hippies. The weirdest thing is anti any type of substance dad is the Principal at her school. Which makes him her boss.
  6. I did buisness management and shared a block with the design coarse, used to get winked at by this one teacher, Was hoping it was a cougar encounter ;) But a few weeks of it i noticed her smelling of weed, Lol... Was a proper.. quarky time hippy woman in her 30s. lol
  7. I can generally catch at least one teacher at the start of each year with some signs of a recent high. Generally a shop or arts teacher....
  8. #8 Oathkeeper, Dec 30, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 2, 2013
    I've known a few professors I would have loved to smoke with, but I never had the guts to ask them if they did (I'm well known for being one of the least likely people to smoke, and I like to keep that reputation going for as long as possible).

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