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smoking with a sore throat

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by pod-racer, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. my throat is killing me but im still toking, anyone else smoke thru the pain?
  2. haha i feel ya. i have a sore throat too and still toke daily. Untill it goes away i just stay away from blunts. lol
  3. You are in severe pain because your throat is infected with a possibly deadly virus or bacteria and you smoke to make it even worse?

    Does anyone else think OP is a complete fucking moron?

    -Leaf :smoking:
  4. I've done that with a halls cough drop with a cup of green tea...
    halls numbs the pain and green tea keeps ur throat fresh...
    after about the second hit, u'll be sumwat kool.

    yea i agree 2, u should stay away from blunts while sick tho...:smoking:
  5. If my throat is really sore, I vape or I go without weed.
  6. Ive done it with a pretty rough cough just grab something hot to sip on in between hits, and stay away from the ciggies. I wouldnt recomend monster hits either..
  7. Say what?!

    On topic though, I have continued to smoke with a sore throat but the better thing to do is vape or make edibles.
  8. I have tried to smoke with my sore throat but I stopped because I have had a sore throat for the last 4 days and I am losing my voice..........Just means more weed for me when I get better plus a small t-break

  9. He said his throat was sore. Didn't say whether they were sick or not. Maybe their throat is sore from blowing cocaine or a change of weather. You sure as shit don't know.

    No I don't think OP is a moron I think YOU are for saying something moronic. Jesus christ...

    Anyways, I had a sore throat all last week. Was very unpleasant to smoke but I made do. Just got to get over the first couple coughs but you'll be straight.

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