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Smoking with a sore throat

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Pj1008, Sep 17, 2009.

  1. ok so for the past 2 days i have had a sore throat, last night i was coughing and in so much pain i couldn't sleep so stupid me thought "smoking will help me sleep" and well it actually did... my throat didn't hurt anymore didn't need to cough i felt great! i thought it might be that the thc numbed my lungs? idk. Btw i just smoked a little half bowl again and feel great again!
  2. To be honest it probably fucked your shit up more, you were just too stoned to notice.

    But whatever works man :smoking:

  3. Yep I say it was this.
  4. get some osha or bear root and chew a small piece before or during the smoking session.

    It is natural and it will soothe your throat and it is real cheap, cheaper than halls!
  5. dude im kinda doin a similar thing, i just got teeth pulled and the doctor said no smokin but fuck the doctor im just tokin up to treat the pain and sellin my hydrocodone. weed is the universal medicine lmao
  6. Nah. I had bronchitis and I smoked a couple joints and was better. No joke. :)

  7. its the sucking (HAHAHHAHA) that the doctor doesn't want not necessarily the smoking, they probably told you not to use a straw either.

    By sucking you could make the sockets bleed or damage them or even cause an infection.

    If I were you I would listen to the Dr. or wear a gas mask or just take shotguns (inhale only no sucking)

    just my 2 cents take it or leave it...............................

  8. i would use a gravity bong or something so you dont have to suck that much
  9. I will never attempt smoking with a sore throat again, it felt like inhaling fiberglass particles.
  10. take the hyrdro tooth aches make for nasty highs.
  11. #12 Saul Goodman, Sep 18, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 18, 2009
    revising when less high.
  12. Nah don't take the hydrocodone while you're in pain, wait till the tooth aches are gone then take them cause you'll be more fucked up and not needing any pain to be killed.
  13. since your throat was ruff you probably got twice as high for that amount of ganj you smoked because the thc sunk in quicker, now idk what you smoked, but you obviously got high enough to the point where the pain went away enough for you to sleep
  14. THis is not a good idea
    the smoke can fuck up your gums and stuff
    ALso the pulling from breathing in will make it hurt
    I'd stay away from that

    Sore throats it's never helped me with
    It's like it's there but it dosn't bother me

  15. this!!!!

    i found some hydrocodone leftover from when i broke my leg snowboarding, and boy do you get fucked up after like 6 of them :p
  16. was it your wisdom teeth? i just got 4 of mine pulled today.. i don't have any weed but i am loving the fucking codone.
  17. Don't take my word for it, but I remember reading somewhere that THC is a bronchiodialator, meaning it helps open up those tubes in your lungs and helps you breathe. THC is also an expectorant and makes you cough, so it would make your coughing worse, but also help get any mucus out. I've smoked many times while I had a cold and it usually makes things worse for me, even though I feel better temporarily. I think if you just use a vaporizer, it would eliminate the irritating smoke, which is the only real way MJ can make your cold worse. But, again, don't take my word for it. Whatever works for you, works.

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