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Smoking with a friend for their first time, how much money for pizza?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by hashbrowns742, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. This is a genuine question...Im stoned right now so i can how much money should we have for pizza and stuff? I get massive munchies...and Im out of food now :( but when my friend comes round, if they do, how much money for munchies? Thanksssss
  2. Atleast $100. You can never have enough food. Ever.

    Realistically, if you're too parinoid to call up a local pizza place to find out, or even look online, $20-40 should be find depending on how many people you have.
  3. #3 The Mack, Jan 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2011
    As much as you can afford.

    Dominoes is fucking expensive and tastes like shit. Rather get a frozen pizza that shit is cheap and tasty.
  4. I was gonna get it, pricey though
  5. It's so fucking disgusting. Just tastes like fat, the meat is horrible, there are pools of oil from the fucking cheese. Taste like shit. Enjoy.
  6. Well depends where you go and what you order, but check out sites online and see. Good idea though, piizas are soo nice when high :smoke:
  7. dude you can get 2 medium pizzas for 6 bucks how is that expensive, and their new shit is mad tasty.
  8. This! I used to hate domiinooes but their pizza is orgasmic from starrt to finish
  9. If you're ordering dominoes get about 6 chocolate lava cakes and put vanilla ice cream on tom of them. The mixture of ice cold vanilla, boiling chocolate goo, and chocolate fudge is complete foodgasm.
  10. yo you cant be going around on here saying the 'p' got me hungry and suffering:(
    but yea youll need a lot of money :D
  11. Really? Dominos in the UK is far from that.. We even have an entirely different menu to the states :smoke:

    If your in the UK op, the price for a cheap take away with enough food to cater for 2 stoners will set you back about £15-20. A dominos will set you back about £30-40.

    US - Domino's Pizza Coupon Codes - all coupons, discounts and promo codes for
    UK - Domino's Voucher Codes - vouchers, discount codes and promotional codes (2011) for -

    Those sites can normally save you in the range of 25% to 50% off Dominos.

  12. Pizza while high = Mouthgasm.

    Dont ever order alot of food. Especially 100 dollars worth. All that money is gonna go down the drain in 1 hour. Save ur money and go for something cheap but deliciouse. Like pizza, its cheap, and deliciouse.
  13. #13 KSimms4200, Jan 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2011
    i deliver for dominos.... the only thing different about the new pizzas....... we dump a shit load of the nastiest oil (butter substitute) over your crust and cover it with the garlic bread shake. enjoy

    edit to let you know that smoking out my car for a living is the shit : ) but yea... i refuse to eat the pizza.... ill eat the fuck outta some wings tho
  14. #14 BalkanCommie, Jan 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2011
    damn and i thought i was the only one who thought domino's is pure shit, i fucking hate that place but the rest of my family loves it

    edit:i work at walmart in the freezer they got some good pizza's in two departments frozen and bakery, minus the mutants that make the pizza in the bakery department......ugh if you guys see these fucking crack head looking ladies that make the pizza's.

  15. European restaurants > American restaurants

    every european restaurant i've been to served me fresh food nothing that will sit in the freezer and they always have orders of fresh stuff(tomatoes, meats vegetable etc etc...) come in every day.

    but in america not so much.

    btw for all the patriots before i get yelled at for being anti-american, i dont hate it i love the place im joining the marines in the next month or two. :smoke:

  16. I'm with this guy

  17. Where in America do you live? I can say this from personal experience; the restaurants in NYC, Philadelphia, Dublin, Paris, Rome, Florence and Belgium are all amazing. Obviously you have the good ones and the bad ones, but I've never noticed much of a difference in quality between two restaurants on the same tier.

    Also, that is quite literally how most fine dining in the US works, all of the produce and meats are delivered daily, you're not anti-american, you just clearly live in a place with a terrible culinary industry.

    Don't order dominos, ever, it doens't matter how cheap that shit is, if you want pizza, order from a local pizzaria, it will dominos in quality everytime.
  18. #18 BalkanCommie, Jan 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2011
    Atlanta, theres only one place i know that is good but the rest are just not up to parr for me.....oh and the only place i like is this one private owned business where they make the best cheese steaks, purely amazing.

    Edit: WeedBratton\v/ lol sorry dude cravings are a bitch :))

  19. Damnit dude! I just wake n baked and now I need me a cheese steak.
  20. U want...
    Some type of chip with some dip or salsa.
    Ground beef 1.5-2 lbs.
    Instant potatoes
    Shredded cheese
    Butter and milk (for potatoes)
    1 can cheese soup (condensed)

    Before friend comes over (while sober) brown beef in pan and drain.
    Place ground beef in square metal or pyrex pan (for the oven. U can stop here till ur ready to cook (takes about 35 minutes maybe 40 in the oven.)

    When ready to cook.
    Spread cheese soup over meat.
    Make instAnt potatoes and spread over cheese soup. I mis some shredded cheese into the potatoes.

    Oven 350 for 30 minutes. Keep going until potatoes r browned ever so slightly not all the way.

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