smoking with a cold???

Discussion in 'General' started by SmokeMoreWeed, Dec 25, 2008.

  1. My friend recently passed his cold onto me :mad:

    I tried to blaze the other night and it helped for a little bit, but when I was coming down I started having a coughing fit.

    Basically the symptoms are down to a cough, nasal congestion. drowsiness, and achyness. Everytime I cough my head pounds (picture being hungover with a bad cough).

    Should I hold off on the toking until I'm 100% better? I was leaning this way cuz it'd basically be a t-break and one that I desperately need.

    I'm just wondering what everyone else would do in this situation.

  2. That's the sickness that I got a couple of days ago. The exact same stuff. The headache and everything turned out to be a sinus infection. Basically it was because I got a cold and while the cold was attacking my body, I went out and partied and smoked a lot.
    Now I'm on meds, but don't make it even worse- I wound up having to miss work for a week. Apparently with the cold going around, smoking when you have it could result in a sinus infection. So don't smoke until you are feeling better.
    I also looked it up and smoking cigarettes is REALLY bad when you have a sinus infection. So is smoking buds, but the ciggs are worse. Just thought I'd let you know. Feel better!
  3. Thanks man.

    Yeah I dont smoke cigs but I figured letting my body clean itself out without putting smoke into it would be the best idea.

    Happy Holidays bro. :wave:
  4. I've had the flu for a week, and I've been getting high everyday. You'll be fine.
  5. if you didnt get high everyday that flu probably would have been gone 4 days ago

    speaking from personal experience, smoking anything while sick will just make it longer for you to get better
  6. I am currently suffering from pneumonia and couldn't smoke if I tried...and I did try the other day and couldn't do a thing. Get well soon!:wave:
  7. I had a cold in early November and smoking only made it worse...I'd just cough and cough and the high would be ruined by a headache
  8. Meh, a big cup of OJ&Vodka, and a bowl or two always make me feel better.
  9. take some cough syrup

    try smoking again

    if the cough shit don't work

    make brownies
  10. depends on how bad the cold is affecting me.
  11. I smoked with a cold, got bronchitus, and sinusitus. I went to my doctor, he refused to give me codeine syrup. I now have serious bronchitus, and if I don't stop smoking, it will develop into pneumonia.

    Depending on how often you smoke, that decides if you should. If you smoke less then 1 time a day, then go for it. If you smoke at least once a day, I'd reccomend stopping.
  12. i've smoked while sick

    makes me feel better

    but the coughing IS a bitch
  13. same shit happend to me this entire group was infected with the common cold...i would wait till i was better to start smoking again.

    i just man'ed it out and delt witht he soar throat and caughing.

  14. It depends on exactly what you're sick with ....

    Whenever I get sick, of course I get high because it makes staying at home and being sick a while lot better. However, what happened to headdead is similar to what happened to me. If you have a certain virus it could easily turn into sinusitus. Once you get or already have sinusitus and smoke, you could be stuck with bronchitus or pneumonia, or permanent damage.

    Because it sounded like you have what I had, I just wanted to let you know before you cause serious damage to yourself and your health abilities to toke up! Happy Holidays to you to man :)

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